P. 37

ELDER QUEST                                            Great Nakatashi Bridge, they see both Gataki and
                                                                Takagi Nakatashi sitting in the Nakatashi Tavern in-
         “Something Old”                                        volved in a heated argument.  They can’t help but
                                                                eavesdrop as they pass by.
         Requirements: Intermediate Level
                                                                              TAGAKI NAKATASHI
         NPC Characters of Contact
                                                                   ...I don’t understand how can you be so naïve?!!
            -Takagi Nakatashi                                            What were you thinking Gataki?!!
            -Gataki Nakatashi                                                 GATAKI NAKATASHI
                                                                       I guess I got caught up in the moment.
                                                                              TAKAGI NAKATASHI
                                                                  The moment?!!  You guess?!!  Well now what do
            -Mitsuhide Soldiers                                                 you suggest we do?

            -Yasui                                                            GATAKI NAKATASHI
                                                                  Our family opulence has always been used to help
            -Ganryu Yakama (This NPC’s Character Sheet is               the less fortunate.  Let it go, Takagi.
            found in the Ninja vs. Samurai RPG Book 10:                       TAKAGI NAKATASHI
            Yakama Family Dojo)
                                                                  I will do no such thing!  You can pretend that this
            -Megumi Yakama (This NPC’s Character Sheet is        isn’t important, but you know… I know you know,
            found in the Ninja vs. Samurai RPG Book 10:                   that that item can not be replaced.
            Yakama Family Dojo)                                               GATAKI NAKATASHI
         Properties                                             But that item will go on to help others.  The man was
                                                                 in a bad situation, and scared.  I would’ve given him
            -Fish Monger                                        money, but didn’t have an at the time.  All I had was
                                                                                   the pendan—
            -Mitsuhide Camp
                                                                              TAKAGI NAKATASHI
            -Yasui’s Shop
                                                                     The pendant that we are going to get back!
            -Yakama House                                                     GATAKI NAKATASHI
         Environment                                                                We will not.
            -Tohoku Prefecture; Aomori                                        TAKAGI NAKATASHI

            -Tohoku Prefecture; Iwate                            The pendant has been in our family for generations.
                                                                                      We will.
            -Tohoku Prefecture; Akita

                                                                   Tagaki Nakatashi spies the PC(s) listening and
            The Kita no Kuiru (Quill of the North), a family    calls them to him with an eyeroll and hand gesture.
         heirloom, has been accidentally given away by the
         absent-minded Tagaki Nakatshi.  After his twin, Gat-                 TAKAGI NAKATASHI
         kai Nakatashi get wind of the item being gifted, the     My brother and I are in disagreement.  In helping
         two employ the PC(s) and lead them on a mission        someone less fortunate, it seems he was he was taken
                                                                advantage of.  While being generous, he haphazardly
         across Northern Tohoku to retrieve the item.            gave a way the Kita No Kuiru, a family heirloom, in
                                                                           a moment of judgement lapse.
         PART 1     “Tift at the Tavern”
                                                                              GATAKI NAKATASHI
         Location: Nakatashi Compound Shukuba                   I feel it is not necessary to retrieve the item, however,

            On a not so special afternoon, the PC(s) have ven-  my brother thinks it is of the utmost importance.  Tell
         tured out of the student housing building in the Naka-  us, in your opinion, what is the proper course of ac-
         tashi Shukuba.  As they walk toward the exit for the

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