P. 33

Kumite No Nakatashi


         Nakatashi No Budoo Taikai Tournaments

             The Nakatashi No BudooTaikai is an annual series   Rewards:
         of four tournaments hosted by the Nakatashi .  One         -Title as Kumite No Nakatashi Tournament
         tournament is held during a month of each season.          Champion
         Contestants who meet requirements may enter as
         many tournaments in the series as they like.  Any per-     -Hansatsu= 250.00 to Tournament champion
         son who wins all four of the tournaments is given:        -Golden Kumite No Nakatashi Champion

         Item: Hokuto No Hoshi (Star of the Northeast) Yukata      medallion
         Bonus: +1 to Control Roll. +1 to PhB, x2 to Points of      -Hansatsu= 100.00 to Semi-Final contestants
         Renown: Fame earned
                                                                Rules: Contestants use unarmed combat rules to
         Tournament Rules                                           showcase their skills in point sparring tourna-
                                                                    ment competition.  After a hit is scored, the
         Summary:  The first of the Nakatashi Tournament            fighters are stopped and must perform a Control
         series is a showcase of unarmed, martial arts skill. Six-  Roll at the start of the next round.  No damage is
         teen contestants from schools around Japan are invited     taken.
         to partake in this event to determine which school is      -The first contestant to score 10 hits is the victor.
         teaching the most effective techniques.  This competi-     -The victor continues on to the next bracket
         tion held between the months of January-March.
         Participation Requirements:                               Day 1: First and second rounds of division
             -Intermediate-Advanced Belt Level or                  competition
             -Maximum 500 Experience Points                        Day 2: Semi Final and Championship competition

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