P. 41

NAME: General Mitsuhide
                                                                Attributes:            Belt Level: 1st Degree Black Belt
                                                                 HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE

                                                                  121    3    2     3     4     4     3    3    2

                                                                Techniques:                  Ki Energy: 605
                            The twins, Gataki and Tagaki Nakatashi
                                                                 -Attack Heights: Medium   -Guard Grnd Pos: Bottom Full
         NAME: Mitsuhide Soldier/Guard                           -Attack Heights: Low      -Striking Tech: Vertical Punch
         Attributes:                   Belt Level: Brown Belt    -Attack Heights: High     -Kicking Tech: Axe Kick

          HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE            -Falling Tech: Break Fall   -Front Throw Tech: Hip
           110   5     3     5     2     5    6     5    4       -Special Tech: Jump
                                                                                           -Sacrifice Throw Tech: Front
                                                                 -Speciual Tech: Spin
         Techniques:                  Ki Energy: 303                                       -Striking Tech: Ridge Hand
                                                                 -Non-Proj Tech: Proper Grip I
                                                                                           -Kicking Tech: Back Snap
        -Attack Heights: Medium    -Side Throw Tech: Sweeping    -Non-Proj Tech: Proper Grip
                                   Loin                          III                       -Leg Joint Lock Tech: Knee
        -Attack Heights: Low
                                   -Striking Tech: Knife Hand    -Striking Tech: Jab       Bar
        -Attack Heights: High
                                   -Kicking Tech: Hook Kick      -Kicking Tech: Front Snap   -Arm Joint Lock Tech: Arm
        -Falling Tech: Break Fall                                                          Bar
                                   -Mnt Grnd Pos Tech: Top       -Standing Grapple Tech: Front
        -Special Tech: Jump                                                                -Striking Tech: Back Hand
                                   -Guard Grnd Pos: Bottom Full   -Standing Grapple Tech: Side
        -Special Tech: Spin                                                                -Kicking Tech: Side Snap
                                   -Striking Tech: Vertical Punch   -Striking Tech: Hook Punch
        -Non-Proj Tech: Proper Grip I                                                      -Guard Grnd Pos: Reversal
                                   -Kicking Tech: Axe Kick       -Kicking Tech: Roundhouse
        -Non-Proj Tech: Proper Grip                                                        Arm Joint Lock Tech: Dislo-
        III                        -Front Throw Tech: Hip Wheel   -Front Throw Tech: Hip   cate

        -Striking Tech: Jab        -Sacrifice Throw Tech: Front   Throw                    -Close Qtr Striking Tech:

        -Kicking Tech: Front Snap   -Striking Tech: Ridge Hand   -Side Throw Tech: Sweeping   Roundhouse Elbow

        -Standing Grapple Tech: Front  -Kicking Tech: Back Snap                            -Kicking Tech: Crescent
                                                                 -Striking Tech: Knife Hand

        -Standing Grapple Tech: Side   -Leg Joint Lock Tech: Knee   -Kicking Tech: Hook Kick   -Choke Tech: Lapel

        -Striking Tech: Hook Punch   Bar                         -Mnt Grnd Pos Tech: Top   -Choke Tech: Trunk

        -Kicking Tech: Roundhouse   -Arm Joint Lock Tech: Arm

        -Front Throw Tech: Hip Throw                            Weapon: Ki O Su No Tachi

         Weapon: Basic: Nagamaki                                 Weight   AtP     Rng    LiE     Mas     Vel   CoA
                                                                   1       20      2     133      1      2      1
         Weight    AtP    Rng     LiE    Mas     Vel    CoA
                                                                Status Effect: This sword gives the holder the ability
           1.5     25      2      35       1      2      2
                                                                to absorb a defended strike and turn 1D4 points of
                                                                the potential damage points into Ki Energy Points
         Status Effect: 1D4 Odds & Evens Bleeding Roll          for the holder.

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