P. 19
House Level 2
F– Master Bedroom
House Level 1
G– Bedroom
A– Front Entrance Way
H– Closet
B– Dining Area
C– Restroom
D– Kitchen Several men come rushing toward the house car-
E– Guestroom rying buckets of water and begin fighting the flames.
In the chaos, the family will thank the PC(s) and wish
YOUNG CHILD they had something to give them to show their appre-
PAPA! ciation, but they lost everything in the fire.
The parents freeze, and give a terrified stare to GM NOTE: This part is for the PC(s) to demon-
each other. strate that they understand Courage, the second vir-
TAKASHIRO MAN tue of the Bushido Code. Upon demonstrating this
virtue award the PC(s) with 1 Takashiro Affiliation
Where is Hiruko, our daughter? Is she not with you?
The mother shakes her head. Her heart races and
terror takes over her entire body as her eyes snap to- PART 3 “Parting the Sea”
ward the burning building.
Location: Takashiro Province
The PC(s) once again continue their walk toward
PAPA! HELP! the Takashiro Compound. They are walking along
The father scans the building. In the upper floor the wide main road. Coming toward them is a couple
window, a small child’s hands can be seen waiving in of elderly women in a jovial discussion, fully en-
desperation. gaged and oblivious to their surroundings. They are
TAKASHIRO MAN walking down the same side of the street.
Quickly! Someone! Go inside and save my Hiruko! The women approach the PC(s) at a quick pace.
GM NOTE: Use the map of the City House above to They do not break stride or move to one side to allow
guide the PC(s) through the house to save the girl. equal passage.
The PC(s) have 35 melee rounds to find the girl be- GM NOTE: The PC(s) are supposed to step aside to
fore it crumbles to the ground. allow the elderly women to pass.
After the girl is saved her parents will be more When the elderly pass, they will gasp, stop and
than thankful. The house continues to burn, but they turn back toward the PC(s) and speak to the character
are appreciative that the group saved their daughter. with the highest PhB.