P. 14
All of you truly have good intentions, but Takashiro Those men weren’t wrong, ya know… about the
membership cannot be bought or fooled, and it espe- blacksmith I mean. I feel obliged to tell you this. It’s
cially cannot be lied for. However, because you are not that I am afraid, as they admitted, more that the
diligent, I will offer you a final test to see if you are blacksmith and I have had some unkind exchanges
true in your desire to become Samurai. I am in need recently, no fault of mine mind you. I simply told
of assistance. I need someone to take one of my him his work was not to the standard I was accustom
swords to the northeast blacksmith to have it refined. from him. He then spouted off about how he put a
If you do this for me, I will grant you permission to curse on me. I don’t know. Nothing has happened,
train with us. but for some odd reason I cannot approach his work-
shop. Without remembering some responsibility I
forgot to take care of No bother, I’m sure you all can
The northeast blacksmith ?! That place is haunted! manage to accomplish this for m— for the Takashiro.
TOWNSMAN 1 The group arrives at the gates of the Takashiro
Men go there to die! No way! compound. They pass through the gate being led by
TOWNSMAN 4 Kiyo Manata. Inside several members of the Samu-
rai Clan maintain a watchful eye on their visitors.
Are you insane?! No one goes there and lives.
I’m afraid I can’t, on the account that I have a family Wait right here. I shall return with the sword.
to provide for.
The PC(s) wait as Kiyo Manata disappears deeper
KIYO MANATA into the compound. Many Takashiro pass by the PC
Hmph. Seeing as how none of them are willing to (s) and give suspecting looks to them as they carry
do this task, I extend the offer to any who are brave out their duties in the compound. In a matter of time
enough. You there, are you able to do this simple
task for me? Kiyo Manata returns with his sword wrapped in a
blue, satin bag and tied with a golden rope.
Kiyo Manata is looking at the PC(s) waiting for a
response. KIYO MANATA
GM NOTE: Depending on the PC(s) response read This is the sword. You are to take it to the Northern
the following: most Blacksmith shop. Don’t mind his theatrics.
Walk in and demand that he provide a both a Wgt.
KIYO MANATA (positive response)
reduction and a Mas refinement. We have already
Excellent! Follow me to my home, and I will give discussed a price, and he said it would be $1,000.
you the sword. Here is the money for both. Please hurry. Oh, and
KIYO MANATA (negative response) good luck.
Hmm… that’s too bad. At first glance, I thought GM NOTE: Rewards
you were strong enough, but I understand. If it were -Experience Points= TBD
easy everyone would be Takashiro. Farewell you -Points of Renown= TBD
all, and good luck.. -Ki Energy= TBD
PART 2 “To the House” -Affiliation Points= 5
-Hansatsu= 1,000 to be used to pay for the re-
Location: Takashiro Compound
The PC(s) are walking with Kiyo Manata to his -Kiyo Manata’s Basic Katana
house at the Takashiro Compound. His long stride
leads the group northward, through a nearby neigh-
borhood, and into an open field. In the distance the
group can see the Takashiro Compound and its many