P. 12

Expert Training Curriculum  These techniques are acquired upon attaining the required Experience Points
         in each belt level discipline.

         7  Degree Black Belt: Experience Points Required: 700
         ATTRIBUTE BONUS: +2 to Awareness Points; +700 Ki Energy Points
         ACQUIRED MYSTIC ART: Medium Object- The ability to move one target per STA classified as “Medium”

          Ki Energy                   Range                                    Description/Effects
             10        Target Maximum= 3/4 user TR            Object STR= Object’s weight; HEA= Object’s AR
             20       Target Maximum= user TR                 Object STR= Object’s weight; HEA= Object’s  AR

             30       Target Maximum= user TRx2               Object STR= Object’s weight; HEA= Object’s AR

         8  Degree Black Belt: Experience Points Required: 800
         ATTRIBUTE BONUS: +2 to Strength Points; +800 Ki Energy Points
         ACQUIRED MYSTIC ART: Heavy Object- The ability to move one target per STA classified as “Heavy”

          Ki Energy                   Range                                    Description/Effects
              10       Target Maximum= 1/2 user TR            Object STR= Object’s weight; HEA= Object’s AR

              20      Target Maximum= 3/4 user TR             Object STR= Object’s weight; HEA= Object’s AR
              30      Target Maximum= user TR                 Object STR= Object’s weight; HEA= Object’s AR

        9  Degree Black Belt: Experience Points Required: 900
        ATTRIBUTE BONUS: +2 to Stealth Points; +900 Ki Energy Points
        ACQUIRED MYSTIC ART: Multi Object– The ability to move up to three (3) objects of various weight with
        one STA.
         Ki Energy                 Range                                     Description/Effects
             10        Target Maximum= 1/3 user TR      Object STR= Object’s weight; HEA= Object’s AR

             20       Target Maximum= 1/2 user TR       Object STR= Object’s weight; HEA= Object’s AR
             30       Target Maximum= user TR           Object STR= Object’s weight; HEA= Object’s AR

         MASTER: Experience Points Required: 1,000
         ATTRIBUTE BONUS: +2 to Awareness Points; +1,000 Ki Energy Points
         ACQUIRED MYSTIC ART: Seishin No Ken- The concentration and focus of Ki Energy allows for the con-
         juring of a Mystic sword to aid those in battle by performing a drawing action.
          Ki Energy  Range                                      Description/Effects
             10          0     A Tanto Sword that glows with a bright lime green light lasting for 10 melee rounds

                               Weight= N/A, AtP= x3 STR, Rng= 0, LiE= ∞, Mas=1, Vel=2, CoA=1
             20          0     A Wakizashi Sword that glows with a bright sky blue light lasting for 15 melee rounds

                               Weight= N/A, AtP= x6 STR, Rng= 0, LiE= ∞, Mas=1, Vel=2, CoA=1
             30          1     A Ninjato Sword that glows with a bright golden light lasting for 20 melee rounds

                               Weight= N/A, AtP= x9 STR, Rng= 1, LiE= ∞, Mas=1, Vel=1, CoA=1

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