P. 15
quest 2: “The Blacksmith”
Requirements: 5 Affiliation Points
NPC Characters of Contact
Bo Kiyojima and Master Kensai Takata
-Kiyo Manata
What’s that you got in the bag?
-Takashiro Compound That’s a mighty fine purse you’re carrying. Heh!
Environment Heh! Looks full. I’d hate for you to walk to the
wrong area. A lot of thieves around here, ya know.
-Takashiro District
Summary Why don’t you just let me guide you to where you’re
The PC(s) head toward the Blacksmith in the going? For a small fee, of course. I promise it will
northeast in order to have Kiyo Manata’s sword re- make your journey less confusing.
fined. They carry the large blue bag containing Kiyo GM NOTE: The PC(s) do not have to allow this per-
Manata’s sword. Along the way they encounter an son to come with them. However, allowing this per-
unlikely companion, some trouble and need to make son to come with them will add +5 Experience Points
decisions quickly. to their earnings at the end of the quest. Should the
PC(s) chose to not allow the Beggar to tag along, he
PART 1 “The Stinking Tag Along” will say the following line:
Location: Takashiro District The Beggar stops in his tracks allowing the PC(s)
The PC(s) have left the compound and are headed to walk ahead of him for another fifteen feet. A
to the Blacksmith. They walk through the neighbor- knowledge filled expert grin emerges across his face.
hood they took to get to the compound and are travel- BEGGAR
ing the dirt road. At the end of the dirt road they Well fine! But if I were you, I’d avoid the path that
make a left on to the main road and travel north. As leads to the Blacksmith. There are other ways to get
they walk, they pass an inn. From the shadows a there. Heh heh! What? You think you’re the first
voice calls to them as they walk. people I’ve seen to try to carry that bag? Good luck!
GM NOTE: The Beggar is a part of the Takashiro
trial, and is a member of the Takashiro Samurai
Hello all, where are you going in such a rush?
From around the corner of the inn a an old beggar
hobbles up to the group. He carries a jolly smile, The Group continues to venture toward the
breath smelling like old garbage and alcohol, and his Blacksmith. They walk northeast along the main
clothes carry the stench of a morning awakening in a road crossing a bridge and enter the northeast section
pigpen. of the Takashiro District. They follow the main road
further until they reach a dirt road that leads to anoth-
GM NOTE: The Beggar will ask his question, and er Takashiro neighborhood. Passing by the city
the following question. Not answering the beggar houses they reach an intersection in a well estab-
will anger him, and he will begin vandalizing and lished neighborhood of Luxury Homes.
causing a scene. He will pretend to be with the PC(s)
party by calling out to them asking if he should GM NOTE: Play the following parts of this Quest,
smash a few items as a bet in an effort to alert the 2A or 2B, as according to whether or not the Beggar
authorities who will arrive in six melee rounds. has joined the group.