P. 65
The tension in the room lowers ever so slightly as GM NOTE: The PC(s) should use the STE attribute
the Kushihara part ways to allow their guests to exit to maneuver onto the ferry. If they are discovered, a
the inn. As the last man out, Kensai Takata pauses as fight will commence.
he passes the last two members of the Kushihara Use the map on the following page to guide the PC(s)
members who were in the doorway. He is visibly to the ferry at the end of the dock. Obstacles to hide
angered and his mystic art still glows from his tightly behind are 3ft.-5ft. In height.
clenched fist. His other hand remains in a defensive As the ferry pulls away from the dock, one of the
posture. His arms form an “X” in front of him as he Kushihara sees one of the Takashiro members. He
glances over his right shoulder. quickly signals to his team, and they all rush to the
KENSAI TAKATA ship. Only a few feet away many of the Kushihara
members attempt to jump onto the ferry as it is leav-
Are you sure about that Master Furikken? Are you
sure you won’t miss this one! ing.
Quickly, Kensai Takata strikes down one of the GM NOTE: Roll 1D8 to see how many Kushihara
Takashiro members. Hyosuke Kushimoto yells. The soldiers will try to jump onto the boat. Cast 1D4
Kushihara are stunned by the unsuspected action. Odds & Evens to see if the Kushihara soldier suc-
cessfully jumps onto the ferry.
Everyone split up! Head south, to the dock! The Kushihara soldiers that make it onto the boat
charge the Takashiro group. Several of the civilians
The Takashiro group runs out of the inn. Ben-
nisatori Furiken gives the order to chase the Ta- run away form the action.
kashiro. PART 6 “Licking the Wounds”
GM NOTE: The PC(s) should use the STE attribute Location: Aichi Prefecture
to maneuver out of the district.
After the ferry ride from Yokohama, the group
PART 5 “Battle on Board” finds themselves in Aichi Prefecture. As the group
disembarks, the notice a Geisha House resting a top a
Location: Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama
hill in the distance. The sun sits low in the sky.
The PC(s) have made it to the dock and await the While a breeze blows through the cool night air.
rest of their Takashiro brothers. In the distance the KENSAI TAKATA
ferry approaches. From the opposite direction,
Kensai Takata and the other members of the group We will rest there. Come with me.
are hurriedly approaching as well. Kensai Takata leads the team to the Geisha Com-
pound. They’re politely greeted and welcomed into
the facility. The women quickly begin tending to the
Good to see that you all have made it. Once we needs of the group. They also ask questions.
board the ferry to Aichi we will be home free.
Suddenly, one of the Takashiro members taps GM NOTE: Number the players, then roll an appro-
Kensai Takata on his shoulder and with his head, mo- priate die to select who the Geisha will address.
tions to identify an approaching group of ten Kushi- GEISHA
hara members who look as though they are searching What brings you to our home, Masters?
for something.
KENSAI TAKATA Please Master, tell us about your adventures.
Quickly, find somewhere to hide. Make your way to GM NOTE: If the selected PC refuses to talk, reroll
the ship where we will rendezvous.
the die to select another character.
As the PC tells their tale, one of the Geisha walks
to the door to lock it.