P. 63
KENSAI TAKATA Clan. In front of the castle, Fifty soldiers stand as
General Yoshioka, your uprising is over. I hold you protection for Daimyo Ghoda and Rei Kuno who is
and the remainders of your men as prisoner under awaiting the deliver of General Yoshioka. A strong
control of the Takashiro Samurai Clan. wind flaps the Kushihara banners violently and audi-
With hate in his eyes, General Yoshioka stares at bly.
Kensai Takata. The defeated general is then gathered DAIMYO GHODA
by his arms by two Takashiro soldiers, and taken Master Takata, congratulations of your capture and
away. victory. Fortunately for you, the guilty party fell
right into your lap. I hope you didn’t expel many re-
PART 2 “A New Assignment” sources to capture him. Kuno-san take the prisoner
away. Master Takata, I know the journey from the
Location: Gifu-Nagano Prefecture Border
west is grueling. Please find comfort in our district.
It has been two weeks since the victorious battle Our inn has plenty of amenities to help you refresh.
over General Yoshioka. The Army has been living in You and your men look as though you may need it.
their camp with the occasional assignment to search Daimyo Ghoda politely yet subtly bows, turns
for any of Yoshioka’s men who may have fled battle, and walks away from the group.
regrouped and looking for an opportunity to attack GM NOTE: The group may go into the district and
and free their leader. These missions have all been enjoy the town.
uneventful. Master Takata has given the order to
breakdown the army camp and prepare to return to PART 4 “Sticks and Stones”
Hiroshima, however a select few of the soldiers Location: Kushihara District, Yokohama
(including the PCs) have been asked to join Kensai
takata in his tent for a meeting. When the PC(s) ar- Later that evening the group has reconvened at
rive. There are ten men sitting in rows of five all fac- the Kushihara District inn. Daimyo Ghoda has re-
ing Kensai Takata. The PC(s) follow suit forming a quested and paid for rooms for the entire party on the
new row in the back of the room. inn’s second floor. The PC(s), Kensai Takata and
seven Takashiro Samurai Clan soldiers are enjoying
KENSAI TAKATA the rest and relaxation provided by the facility.
I have asked you all here because I need each of you Kensai Takata has announced that he will pay for
to join me on a final mission dealing with Yoshioka. food for the entire group. This gesture was met with
As a final page in the book of our prisoner, we are
being asked to deliver him to Rei Kuno, the Emper- cheers and heightened the celebratory atmosphere.
or’s Executioner. I understand that this puts us in the GM NOTE: Role 1D6 Odds & Evens to see if the
throes of our enemy, but it is something the Shogun
himself has asked of us. We cannot decline. We are PC(s) are able to order their Favorite Food.
going to ferry to Yokohama, to Kushihara Castle, and While eating, the door to the inn bursts open.
deliver the prisoner. Afterwards, we will return
home victorious, rewarded and celebrated. Tomor- Through the doorway walks five Kushihara Samurai
row, as the last man leaves our camp, we will board followed by the celebratory face of Benisatori Fur-
the ferry. Bring your items as we will not be return- riken and Hyosuke Kushimoto. Hyosuke Kushimoto
ing here.
pauses in the doorway and sniffs the room.
Kensai Yakata dismisses the group. Who leave HYOSUKE KUSHIMOTO
quietly, some exuding sounds of disagreement.
What’s that smell?!
GM NOTE: The PC(s) may gather their belonging.
PART 3 “The Problem is Now Yours” It smells like, the outside has wiped it’s feet on the
musty clothing of everyone in here, Kushimoto-san.
Location: Kushihara District, Yokohama Yuk!
The group of Takashiro Samurai approach the
vaulted Kushihara Castle of the Kushihara Samurai