P. 59

PART 12   “A Long Journey’s End”                                         BO KIYOJIMA

         Location: Tokyo                                        Inside I’m certain there will be traps, to keep us from
                                                                retrieving be cautious and ever vigilant.  If you chose
            The group has arrived in  Tokyo.  Tsuramatsua               not to enter with me I will understand.
         Miyahira seems to have gained an amazing amount        GM NOTE: Use the map on the following page to
         of life and vigor.  After dis embarking the group trav-  guide the characters through the cavern’s pitfalls.
         els along a road that will lead them to Nijo Castle, the
         castle of the Shogun.  Along a bend in the road a                        BO KIYOJIMA
         large tree blocks has fallen across the road and blocks   There was a reason I selected you to join me in this
         travel.  In order to pass, the group must enter the tall   quest.  You proven battle prowess has shown itself to
         grass that lines to road to go around.  Bo Kiyojima is   be true.  You are all true samurai.  As I said, you will
                                                                 be handsomely rewarded when we return to the Ta-
         skeptical.                                              kashiro Compound, however, with Tsuramatsua Mi-
                                                                  yahira once again apprehended, I reward you with
                           BO KIYOJIMA
                                                                  this.  A technique that I only give to those I deem
                        Prepare yourself men.                     worthy.  Your service, has proven to be as such.  I
                                                                  give you my special technique, “Crushing Blow”.
            Bo leads his soldiers into the grass, to go around
         the tree when suddenly, the group is ambushed.  Sur-
         rounding the group are twelve armed soldiers
         (Archers: 2, Soldiers: 10).
         GM NOTE: Archers have +1 to Action Roll.

            The archers fire, in the confusion, one of the sol-
         diers attempts to take control of Tsuramatsua Mi-
         yahira from the character assigned to hold him.
         When Miyahira’s soldier gains control, he will run
         Miyahira  away from the fray toward a nearby cave.
         After Miyahira escapes, the soldiers all run away.
         Many of the NPCs have been hit by arrows,  Bo Ki-
         yojima give an order to the group.                     GM NOTE: Rewards

                           BO KIYOJIMA                             -Experience Points= TBD
         We must retrieve Tsuramatsua Miyahira at any cost!        -Points of Renown= TBD
           Those of you able to join me in his pursuit, follow      -Ki Energy= TBD
            me!  You, tend to our wounded!  Quickly now!
                                                                   -Hansatsu= 550
            Bo Leads the team into the bush after Tsu-
         ramatsua Miyahira and his men.  The group soon            -Secret Technique: Crushing Blow
         pauses in front of a cave.

          TECHNIQUES           DESCRIPTION                         EFFECTS                    Ki Energy  Exp. Points
                                                                                                USED       to Buy
            Crushing      A devastating attack that   STR (or LiE)x5, +2 to Actions Rolls vs.
              Blow        drastically reduces the   target for 3 melee rounds after success-
                          health of a target or LiE   ful strike.                                50         N/A

             (Recharge)   of a weapon.

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