P. 54
ELDER QUEST PART 1 “You’ve Got Mail”
“Enemy of the State” Location: Takashiro District
It is a beautiful day in Takashiro District. The PC
Requirements: Advanced Level (s) have ventured out on the town to enjoy the flavors
NPC Characters of Contact of the culture. For having an ill reputation, the citi-
zens of the district make the area a pleasant environ-
-Bo Kiyojima
-Tsuramatsua Miyahira
GM NOTE: Allow the PC(s) to venture out into the
-Police Officer town to enjoy themselves should they get into any
-Miyahira Soldiers mischief, this messenger should interrupt the activity.
Properties While out on the town, a Takashiro messenger
catches up with the PC(s). He stops them politely.
-Takashiro Compound
-Ferry Boat Forgive me. Master Kiyojima has sent me to sum-
mon you to a meeting. He is asking that several
-Shukuba members of the Takashiro Clan join him in a recent
-Various Port Docks and important discussing. He told me that this meet-
Environment ing starts in an hour and asks that you make haste to
his home.
-Chugoku Region Prefecture, Hiroshima; 80° The Messenger will bow to the PC(s) and run
-Pacific Ocean away leaving them to discuss this new occurrence.
-Shikoku Region Prefecture, Tokushima; 79° GM NOTE: Not attending the meeting will cause the
-Kinki Region Prefecture, Mei; 81° PC(s) to lose 500 Fame Points of Renown and gain
1,000 Notoriety Points of Renown.
-Chubu Region Prefecture, Shizouoka; 81°
PART 2 “A Guest in A Home”
-Kanto Region Prefecture, Tokyo; 79°
Summary Location: Takashiro Compound
The Shogun had long sent out a decree naming The PC(s) arrive at Bo Kiyojima’s house. He is
Tsuramatsua Miyahira as a warlord who is guilty of standing out side and warmly greeting Takashiro
attempting to execute a plan to overthrow the govern- members who are invited inside. When the PC(s)
ment. Tsuramatsu Miyahira was a wanted man approach he will stop them.
throughout Japan, his whereabouts unknown, but a BO KIYOJIMA
reward was to be given to the entity that captured him I am so glad you showed! Stories of your adventures
alive and brought him before the courts so that his have begun to circulate around the Head Elders.
sentence of death may be passed down. After inves- Even Takata Kensai has started talking about your
tigation of his whereabouts, members of the Ta- endeavors. A slight ease has just fallen upon me.
kashiro Samurai clan found him in a desolate region Please come inside.
of Chugoku, and captured him. Now, awaiting their Bo Kiyojima’s voice is soft and soothing, with a
reward, and even more importantly their prestige, the bit of confidence that stems for years of martial arts
Takashiro will transfer their prisoner to Tokyo. mastery. Bo Kiyojima is a large man, both in height
However, the remaining members of Tsuramatsu’s and girth, with an ability to see everything even
Miyahira clan have gotten wind of their leader’s though his welcoming smile seems to push his chub-
transfer and are sure to stand in the way. Transfer- by cheeks into his eyes forcing them closed. His ex-
ring the prison will prove to be a long, treacherous pression trails the PC(s) as they enter his house.
and maybe even deadly endeavor.