P. 49
ELDER QUEST With a quick approval from the confused individ-
uals stationed in the tower, the PC(s) on duty are al-
“Bound & Gag” lowed inspect the sound. When the PC(s) cross the
bridge they see, Master Takata and Master Moto
Requirements: Advanced Level moving cautiously toward Master Manata’s home.
NPC Characters of Contact The PC(s) swift approach, startles the Masters. The
Masters recompose themselves and using hand ges-
-Kiyo Manata
tures and eye contact, the PC(s) are directed to go
-Temple Monks inside and check out the scene while the two masters
take position outside of the residence.
Properties It is very dark inside Master Manata’s house.
The glow of the moon however, shines through a
-Takashiro Compound window and the PC(s) can see a strange mist hovers
-Takshiro District above the floor. Muffled grunts can be heard coming
from Kiyo Manata’s bedroom. When the PC(s) go
-Tottori Sand Dunes
into the bedroom, they will discover that Kiyo Mana-
- Sanbutsu-ji Temple ta has been bound and gagged. After removing the
- Lake Koyama gag from Kiyo Manata’s mouth, they will notice a
note lying next to Kiyo Manata.
GM NOTE: The PC(s) can remove the gag, but the
-Chugoku Prefecture, Hiroshima; 71°
rope has a silver glow to it and will shine brighter if
-Chugoku Prefecture, Tottori; 74° it is tugged upon. This rope cannot be cut, and will
cause 2x 1D6 LiE damage to any blade used in an
attempt to cut it.
Kiyo Manata’s is awakened in the middle of the KIYO MANATA (Angrily)
night bound by a rope with magical powers. A very
important item has been stolen from him. A note That idiot... took my Kabuto! How did the intruder
lays next to him with very specific instructions on get in here? Who was on guard?
how to break the bondage and retrieve his item. He GM NOTE: The PC(s) must answer this question.
sends PC(s), whom he feels are trustworthy to re- KIYO MANATA (Continuing)
trieve the stolen property, and gives them very spe- Hmph! What does that note say?
cific instructions to bring the perpetrator before him
so that he may do what is necessary.
PART 1 “Night Terrors” Thank you so very kindly for sleeping
so soundly tonight. It was very easy
Location: Takashiro Compound to bind you with my rope. As you can
see, the Sokusai No Kabuto is now
The full moon glows brightly in the middle of a mine. I told you I would take it from
calm summer night’s sky. The PC(s) are assigned to you. To be released from the rope,
you will need to gather petals of a
guard duty at the Takashiro compound, and are out- cherry blossom found in Sanbutsu-ji
side patrolling the grounds as assigned. The sounds and sand collected from the Totto-
of crickets and frogs create a relaxing background ri Sand Dunes. Add water from Lake
soundtrack to an eventless night until a single shout Koyama, and you will have the con-
of despair pierces the air over the Takashiro com- coction need to break the spell on
the rope. Again, thank you, Manata-
pound. The shout sounded like it came from the Isle san, for your generosity.
of Masters. The PC(s) rush toward the sound ap-
proaching the Isle of Masters guard tower.