P. 52
When the old man finishes his story, he smiles KIYO MANATA
and walks away, leaving the PC(s) to tend to their Go inside. Find Itsumi, and tell her that her trouble-
business. some ways are over. I will be waiting for her here.
Itsumi wears a white, silk sash with a red trim on the
The PC(s) begin collecting water from the lake. edge around her neck. Invite her outside for a duel.
As they do so the lake water ripples turn into waves She’s never been able to resist a fight.
that splash the group. Suddenly, a mighty burst of When the PC(s) go inside they will observe a
water reveals a large water serpent roars loudly and party-like atmosphere. They should search the place
rears its head and begins attacking the group.
for someone who looks like the person Manata de-
GM NOTE: This serpent is an Advanced Level Ni- scribed. When they find her, they should invite her
hon No Ryu (Found on page 194 of the Ninja vs. outside as Manata ordered. When they find and ap-
Samurai RPG GM Manual) proach her, Itsumi will interrupt the PC(s) invitation.
PART 4 “Free and Clear” GM NOTE: Itsumi can be found upstairs sitting
alone at a table enjoying a cup of tea.
Location: Takashiro Compound
The group rides back to the Takashiro compound
So, Manata-san has sent his lackeys to do his dirty
with the necessary ingredients to break the bondage work? No honor in that. Tell me, were you able to
of the magic rope. Before Kiyo Manata can be re- save your precious master or are you here to ask me
leased, the PC(s) must mix the ingredients to create to do it for you? Run home and tell him come him-
the concoction. self. Oh wait… he probably can’t.
Once completed the the PC(s) pour it over the
ropes. If the concoction is mixed correctly the ropes A DUEL!!! Well… the Takashiro sent soldiers with
true grit this time. Fine… lead the way.
will instantly dissolve. After Kiyo Manata is re-
When the PC(s) and Itsumi go outside, Kiyo
leased from bondage he reluctantly thanks the PC(s). Manata will be standing in the middle of the street
He gets up, brushing himself of and walks over to his waiting for them. Itsumi will burst into laughter at
armor and begins dressing. the first sight of him.
Now, the final portion of our quest is to reclaim my Master Manata! I am to guess that you are here for
Kabuto. This will be dangerous. We are going your precious helmet, correct?
against the ninja Itsumi. She is a clever and re- KIYO MANATA
sourceful ninja who is a master strategist on top of
her many skills. I’ve been battling this nuisance for It ends now, Itsumi.
many years, however, she always finds a way to es- ITSUMI
cape. You will help me capture her, and I will deal
with her the way I should have so many years ago. Such strong words.
We will head Southwest to Yamaguchi. Itsumi can Itsumi confidently walks towards Kiyo Manata
be found near Yasaka Lake. She should be alone.
We will go now. until she takes a stance just out of fighting range. As
she approaches, Manata assumes a fighting stance of
PART 5 “Finding Itsumi” his own, placing his hands on his sword in prepara-
Location: Yasaka Lake tion to draw. The two stare each other down waiting
for the other to make the first move.
Yasaka Lake is on the border between Yamagu-
chi and Hiroshima. After a short horse ride there, the GM NOTE: If any of the PC(s) try to interfere Kiyo
group is face-to-face with a lone Inn. It is quite pop- Manata will order them to stand down.
ular and very loud. Kiyo Manata’s expression has
not changed since he was released from his roped-
prison. He is visibly angry and stoic.