P. 55

Inside, six other Takashiro members are seated                        BO KIYOJIMA
         and waiting for the Bo Kiyojima to start the meeting.    As you know, the Takashiro Compound is here, in
         Shortly after the PC(s) take their seats, three more    Hiroshima.  The plan is that we are to bring the trai-
         Takashiro enter the home, bow to those in the room,    tor to Tokyo via ferry.  This means we will make four
         and take a seat.  Bo Kiyojima comes in, smiling at all   stops; one in Tokushima, one in Mei, in Shizouoka
                                                                   and the final along the outskirts of Tokyo.  From
         who are present, and takes a seat at the head of the        there we must transport the prisoner on land.
         room.  He looks around the room with a pleased ex-       The prisoner is in custody at our nearest police sta-
         pression. Before he begins talking.                     tion.  In the morning we will go get him. From there
                                                                    we will board the Ferry and begin our journey.
                           BO KIYOJIMA
                                                                 Make sure you get rest, are well and well equipped.
          I am proud to announce that the known conspirator       We will assemble at the front gate in the morning.
          Tsuramatsua Miyahira, the man guilty of attempting                  Are there any questions?
          to execute a plan to overthrow the government, has
         been found and captured.  After an extensive investi-  GM NOTE: The Police Station is located at North-
          gation, our brothers of the Takashiro Samurai clan    west T30.
             discovered him hiding in a desolate region of
         Chugoku.  Now that he is in our custody, the Shogun    PART 3     “The Big House”
          himself has charged us with transferring him to To-
         kyo to await his execution.  This is a most prestigious   Location: Takashiro District
           honor.  I have assembled you here because Master         In the morning The PC(s) and remaining mem-
         Takata Kensai has placed me in charge of assembling
          the convoy from here to Tokyo.  Your accomplish-      bers of the quest (five Takashiro members)  meet at
          ments, while adhering to the tenants of Seven Paths   the front gate.  All are well equipped.   Bo Kiyojima
           of Enlightenment, have gained you all great fame.    sits on horse back.
         Though we have eliminated most of Tsuramatsua Mi-
         yahira’s forces, we believe the small remaining mem-                     BO KIYOJIMA
         bers may try to rescue him.  Therefore, I’m asking for
          your assistance in this endeavor.  Of course your ef-   Good morning!  Now that we’re assembled, mount
          forts will be rewarded.  Should you chose not to ac-   your horses, if you have them, and follow me to re-
         cept this offer, you may leave, to allow the rest of us                trieve the conspirator.
                  an opportunity to plan our mission.           GM NOTE: If the PC(s) own horses, they may
            Two of the nine characters stand, bow and leave.     mount them to follow Bo Kiyojima, if not they will
         Bo watches them leave, look around the room once       follow everyone who is mounted on a horse in a two-
         again, and says:                                       by-two marching style.

                           BO KIYOJIMA                              The group leaves the compound, and follows the
         Is there anyone else who wishes to not partake in this   road to the nearest police station.  At the police sta-
          quest?  You reasons, nor reputation will be affected.     tion Bo asks the group to stand guard while he goes
                                                                in side.  After a few minutes, Bo Kiyojimia escorts
            Two more character exit in the same fashion as
         the men before.  With the rest of the crew remaining   the prisoner, who is shackled by his hands and feet.
         in the room, Bo rolls out a large map of Japan. And    He holds a chained-pole attached to a clasp around
         points to Hiroshima and begins talking.                the neck of the prisoner.  Tsuramatsua Miyahira  is a
                                                                large, muscular, menacing-looking man with evil in-
                                                                tent in his eyes that penetrates each of his captors.
                                                                                 POLICE OFFICER
                                                                 Master Kiyojima. Who shall hold the prisoner as you
                                                                                    take him in?
                                                                GM NOTE: Using a 1D12, number the characters
                                                                involved (Both PC and NPC).  Cast the die.  Should
                                                                the number of a PC(s) be cast, Bo has elected them to
                                                                hold the prisoner.  If a PC(s) is not cast, one of the
                                                  Bo Kiyojima   NPCs will be selected to hold the prisoner.

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