P. 51
Once pressured the Monk will lead the group to
PART 3b “Sanbutsu-ji Temple”
the last remaining tree on the temple grounds. It is
Location: Tottori beautiful and in bloom. The Monk will remain a no-
The PC(s) arrive at the Sanbutsu-ji Temple. The ticeable distance from the tree.
temple is a buzz with Monks walking around the MONK #1
grounds. Several of them are carrying on conversa- This... is the last cherry blossom tree on the temple
tions on daily chores. As the group searches the grounds. We want to have it removed, but it uhh—it
grounds, they have not detected a cherry blossom tree has its own mind and simply will not allow anyone
or seen the signs of a the tree anywhere. near it. I wish I could be of further assistance, but
this dreadful thing has wounded many men and I do
GM NOTE: Use the Temple map on page 45-47. If not want to be net. Please be careful. Oh… should
the PC(s) do not talk to a monk, a monk will ap- you remove this tree from our temple, we will reward
you for your services.
proach them and ask about their business.
The Monk bows and swiftly retreats. Looking
MONK #1 back as if expecting something horrible to witness.
Good day, I noticed you searching for something.
Perhaps I may be of some assistance? GM NOTE: This Cherry blossom tree is infested
with 10 Advanced Kijimuna wood spirits (found on
GM NOTE: Allow the PC(s) an opportunity to ask page 186 of the Ninja vs. Samurai RPG GM Manu-
about a Cherry blossom tree. al).
MONK #1 GM NOTE: Rewards
A Cherry blossom tree? Oh goodness no. we got rid -Hansatsu= 100
of the last tree of that kind some years ago. A beauty
to behold, indeed, but an absolute mess to maintain.
PART 3c “Lake Koyama”
Just then, a second Monk approaches the group. He
is carrying a scroll. The Monk is smiling pleasantly Location: Tottori
as he approaches, and can’t help but assist the group. The PC(s) arrive at Lake Koyama, a picturesque
MONK #2 lagoon situated just to the west of Tottori City. It is a
Did I heard that you were searching for a cherry blos- beautiful day and the sunlight sparkles off the Lake’s
som tree? There is one remain— water. As the PC(s) approach the lake, they can see a
MONK #1 (Interrupting under his breath) lone fisherman sitting, attempting to catch fish. He
looks at the group and gets up to slowly approaches
Remember, it is forbidden to mention that tree.
them. When within ear shot the man rests his fishing
poll on the dock. He waves down the PC(s) to stop
I beg your pardon I forgot… them. He is overjoyed to have company and intro-
The second Monk bows and leaves. The first duces himself as the oldest living member of This
Monk turns his attention back toward the group, part of Tottori city. He then tells the following story:
nervously scratching the back of his head with a OLD FISHERMAN
matching grin.
There is a legend that many years ago a rich tycoon
MONK #1 would have the local villagers plant his rice. The task
would take one whole day a year, but on one occa-
As I said, there are no more cherry blossom trees on sion when it was beginning to get dark, the villagers
temple grounds. I wish I could be of more assistance. had not finished their task. The tycoon called for a
Feel free to visit the shrine for your blessing before gold fan and asked the sun to return for one hour so
you go. that the villagers could finish planting.
GM NOTE: The Monk will leave the group if al- The sun duly rose again for one hour and the grueling
lowed. The PC(s) should pressure this Monk into tell task was completed. However, the sun was dis-
them where to find the tree. Once pressured, he will pleased at the request, and the following morning the
lead them to the tree. rice fields were flooded and forever remained a large
lake as punishment.