P. 50
KIYO MANATA The ride is steady and the weather holds to allow
for a pleasant ride. A few hours of riding along the
Since you were on guard, and failed at your job, you
now have one mission to win back your honor under western coastline of Chugoku, and the PC(s) arrive in
the Seven Paths of Enlightenment: Release me from Tottori, and make their way to the Sand Dunes.
this entanglement! The thief has left you instruc-
tions. Follow them, create the concoction, and bring PART 3a “Tottori Sand Dunes”
it back to me. After you do that, together, we will
find the intruder and retrieve my Sokusai no Kabuto. Location: Tottori
All of the locations the thief mentioned are in Tottori The PC(s) arrives at the Tottori Sand Dunes. The
which is not very far from here. Horses will make it
a days trip. In the morning you should head out, and vast expanse of sand which lead off to a beautiful
pray to God that I find peace with my situation. Now view over the coast for several miles. Is a bit over-
GO! Get your equipment and gather those ingredi- whelming As the PC(s) take in the sights something
in the air, moreover, the ground feels strange. None-
Part 2 “Leaving the Nest” theless, the group dismounts to collect sand. As the
PC(s) start collecting sand, a gust of wind picks up
Location: Takashiro Compound
It is a beautiful morning sunrise, and the group is causing a small sand storm. Combine with ground
getting ready for their travels. At the horse stable the tremors, the storm quickly grows in intensity, blind-
PC(s) are preparing for their journey to the city of ing the PC(s) and even hurting their skin. It sems the
Tottori. As the stable hand assists them he asks only counter measure is to turn away from the blister-
where they will go next. ing impact of the course material. Suddenly some-
thing bursts from the surface with a roar.
GM NOTE: The PC(s) should decide amongst them-
selves which location they want to venture to first. GM NOTE: This effect creates a Medium Storm ef-
Section three00 is divided into parts and is able to be fect without precipitation. Roll AWA Test vs. GM.
completed in the order of which the PC(s) decide to Failed rolls result in Status Effect: Blindness lasting
play. Once decided, the PC(s) may roll 1D8 on the 1D4 melee rounds. This storm is generated by one
chart below to select the horse they will ride. set of Advanced Level: Kamaitachi (Found page 183
of the Ninja vs. Samurai RPG GM Manual) will only
last for 1D4 melee rounds.
1 Noma 100 17 6 1 3 14 1 3 5
2 Dosanko 100 3 5 2 3 12 3 1 4
3 Taisho 100 9 2 7 4 5 4 3 4
4 Taisho 100 10 3 7 4 9 4 7 3
5 Noma 100 12 5 6 1 10 1 7 5
6 Kiso 100 6 9 7 2 12 1 8 5
7 Dosanko 100 11 3 8 4 12 4 2 12
8 Noma 100 14 4 8 3 16 3 5 5