P. 57
GM NOTE: Roll to break the grip of the character Mei Shukuba Facilities:
holding Tsuramatsua Miyahira. If he is successful, 1- Toiyaba: General offices that helped manage the
he will run away, and the group must hunt him down post town.
(again). Tsuramatsua Miyahira has a Hinderance to 2- Honjin: Rest areas and lodgings built for use by
MOV attribute of –2 due to the shackles.
samurai and court nobles. Honjin were not business-
Once Tsuramatsua Miyahira is captured, the es; instead, large residences in the post towns were
group will move to the next ferry boat dock, and designated as lodging for government officials.
board the ship.
3- Waki-honjin: These facilities were also for use by
GM NOTE: Before the group gets on the ship, role samurai and court nobles, but general travelers could
the previously designated die to select a new charac- also stay here if there were vacancies.
ter to hold on to Tsuramatsua Miyahira.
4- Hatago: Facilities that offered accommodations to
PART 7 “All Sales Are Final” general travelers and also served food.
Location: Ocean to Mei 5- Kichin-yado: Facilities that offered accommoda-
tions to general travelers, but did not serve food.
The group has boarded the next ferry and is trav-
elling to Mei Prefecture. This ferry is full of mer- 6- Chaya: Rest areas that sold tea, food and alcohol
chants selling various items. to travelers. Shops: General shops built to sell wares
to travelers.
GM NOTE: Use the chart below to know which
items are being sold. Should players want to shop 7- Kosatsu: Signboards on which the shogun’s proc-
during this portion of the quest, roll 1D6 to deter- lamations were posted.
mine what is being sold by each merchant. Allow PC BO KIYOJIMA
(s) to search for and shop at three different mer-
chants until the ship docks and they disembark. I will take the prisoner to the Toiyaba. The officials
will keep watch over him during this delay. The rest
Merchant Chart of you, refresh yourselves. I will meet you back at
the gates in roughly three hours. Keep your wits
Cast Number Sold Item about you as you are now a ways from home.
2, 4 or 6 Food Ingredients
3, 1 Armor GM NOTE: The PC(s) may split from the group and
explore the city. Roll 1D6 on the following Random
5 Basic Weapons
Encounter Chart:
PART 8 “Much Needed Rest”
Mei Random Encounter Chart
Location: Mei Prefecture 1– Thief steals money from 1 member of the group.
At the dock, a notice is posted to inform travelers 2-Fight breaks out between two citizens behind the
that the ferry boat to Shizouoka will be approximate- PC(s), one is bumped and sent to the ground.
ly four hours late. Bo Kiyojima suggests that the
group go to the Shukuba, post stations where travel- 3– An insistent merchant tries to sell a defective Tan-
ers are able to rest on their journey around the nation, to (LiE= 4).
to rest and refresh for their journey. 4– Notice a beautiful cherry blossom tree
After a short walk, the group arrives at the 5– An elderly woman approaches a member of the
Shukuba. The population is growing due to the delay group saying that he looks like her lost son
of the next ferry.
6– Town police question why members of the Ta-
GM NOTE: use the stores and areas below for this kashiro Samurai are so far away from their own
part of the quest: home