P. 58

After any incident the group should head back to    PART 10  “Uneasy Energy”
         the dock to meet with Bo Kiyojima, who has main-
         tained control of the prisoner.  Though his grip on the   Location: Shizouoka Prefecture
         pole and chain is strong, his demeanor is pleasant as
         he smiles while the PC(s) approach.                       At the Shizouoka dock, the group is waiting for
                                                                the final transfer.  Night time is drawing nearer, and
                           BO KIYOJIMA
                                                                the dock is much less crowded than in previous trans-
         I trust that you used you time wisely.  Come now, it’s   fers.  The crowd however, seems a bit more seedy
          time to board the next ferry.  Our next stop will be
                             Shizouoka.                         than before.  Far fewer women and children, an more
                                                                noticeable vagrants and unusual persons make up a
         PART 9     “A Proposition”                             more significant part of the population.  As the group
         Location: Ocean to Shizouoka                           boards the ferry, Tsuramatsua Miyahira begins to
                                                                smile.  He looks at PC(s) as he is boarded onto the
            Yet again the group has boarded the next ferry      boat.
         and is on the open waters to Shizouoka Prefecture.
         Bo Kiyojima has walked away from the group leav-                 TSURAMATSUA MIYAHIRA
         ing the PC(s) with the prisoner.  The ride is short and   Think about what I said.  This is your final chance.
         the group can see the prefecture nearly the entire time      After all passengers are loaded onto the ferry, the
         of the boat ride.  Tsuramatsua Miyahira, is being held   ferry departs the port, and before long is on the open
         by one of the Takashiro Samurai members.  He is        sea again.
         staring at one of the PC(s) intently, with a cocky ex-
         pression on his face.  Suddenly, he strikes up a con-  PART 11     “Enquiring Minds”
         versation with them.                                   Location: Ocean to Tokyo

         GM NOTE: Number the PC(s).  Using an appropri-            For the small amount of people that were on the
         ate die, cast the die to select the PC that Tsu-       dock, the ferry is full to capacity.  The moonlight re-
         ramatsua Miyahira is to talk to.                       flects on the ocean on a very clear night.   Bo Kiyoji-

                   TSURAMATSUA MIYAHIRA                         ma has called the group to gather around him to dis-
           You look so strong.  Remind me of me… well…          cuss some things.
          maybe not ME, but one of my men.  A leader.  Are                        BO KIYOJIMA
                            you a leader?
         GM NOTE: Allow/coax the PC to answer.                  Men, we are going into Tokyo, there is no doubt that
                                                                 we will run into Kushihara Samurai Clan members.
                   TSURAMATSUA MIYAHIRA                           They may try to distract us from our goal, but we
         You would be with me.   That (name of weapon), can      must remember to stick to our mission.  The Shogun
                    you use it?  Are you an expert?                himself is relying on us to deliver this criminal.
                                                                Keep your wits about you, and see this through to the
         GM NOTE: Allow /coax the PC to answer.                                         end.
                   TSURAMATSUA MIYAHIRA                            After Master Kiyojima’s talk, a lone traveler ap-
          I could teach you to use it better than anyone else in   proaches the Takashiro group.
               the world.   Listen… what is your name?
         GM NOTE: Allow/coax the PC to answer.
                                                                   Hey.  Who is the guy in chains?  What’d he do?
                   TSURAMATSUA MIYAHIRA
                                                                GM NOTE: Whether or not the group talks to the
           I know you think I’m am going off to die, but this
         caravan is not going to make it to Tokyo.  Master Ki-  man, he will walk away without incident.  If a party
          yojima knows this.  He only gathered you all so that   member follows the man, they will find that he talks
         he would look like a wise man in the memories of his   to a group of other men on the boat.  This man nor
          life.  If you want to live.  You will help me escape.    the one’s he talk to have any intent to affect the Ta-
         You don’t have to let me out of these chains, just un-  kashiro mission.
           lock them.  If you don’t I guarantee you will not
                            make it home.

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