P. 68

PART 9     “Homefield Advantage”                          As the cloud of dust slowly settles, a revealed
                                                                banner of the Takashiro flies proudly from the saddle
         Location: Hiroshima Prefecture, Hiroshima
                                                                of a horse.  Kensai Takata smiles proudly while
            After fighting the Ronin aboard the ferry, the Ta-  standing in front of a party of Takashiro Samurai lead
         kashiro group gets off at the Hiroshima ferry dock. A   by none other than Bo Kiyojima.
         feeling of completion washes over many of the team                       BO KIYOJIMA
         members as they celebrate this difficult journey by
                                                                 Master Takata, we discovered a group of Kushihara
         setting foot on their home soil.                       in our district.  After we investigated them, we found

                         KENSAI TAKATA                          out that they meant you harm.  We took care of them,
                                                                     and rushed to your aid.  Is everything okay?
           Don’t celebrate yet. We have yet to make it home.
                                                                                KENSAI TAKATA
            As the group walks in the openness of Hiroshima
                                                                 Well done Kiyojima-san!  Master Kushimoto.  Mas-
         back to the Takashiro district, there is a loud rum-   ter Furriken.  I will offer you asylum so that you may
         bling of horse hooves approaching them.  In a cloud    vacate our district and safely return home.  I will for-
         of dust, Bensatori Furikken and Hyosuke Kushimoto       give this particular invasion, but warm you to never
         stop the group’s advancement.                            to approach Hiroshima again.  It is your decision,
                      HYOSUKE KUSIMOTO                             Hyosuke Kushimoto and Benisatori Furriken both

           Master Takata, we’ve finally caught up with you!     pull their horses’ reigns turn around and leave.  The
          Surrender now, and come with us to face your pun-     mounted Takashiro members all cheer as the Kushi-
         ishment for your transgressions against the Kushihara
         on Kushihara land.  If you do not come with us quiet-  hara ride off.  The Takashiro lead the group back to
         ly, our troops will be forced to attack you, your clan,   Takashiro compound.
                        and the land you own.
                                                                                 KENSAI TAKATA
                                                                 When we get back to our home, come to my house,
         We will do no such thing, and the Kushihara are way              and I will give you your reward.
          out of their jurisdiction to hand down punishments
          without a decree from the Shogun.  Your insults to    PART 10          “Conclusion”
          our clan, brought on our aggression, and any casual-
          ties you suffered were a result of your own careless-  Location: Takashiro Compound
                                                                   Inside of Master Takata’s home, the group of PC
                     HYOSUKE KUSHIMOTO                          (s) and the soldiers that joined him on this quest sit

                               So Be it.                        and share a drink.
            Hyosuke Kushimoto draws his sword and raises it                     KENSAI TAKATA
         in the air.  In the distance, a large cloud of dust kicks   I would like to reward you for your support on this
         up and charges toward the Kushihara pinning the Ta-    long and grueling quest.  You have shown your dedi-
         kashiro between it, and the team of Master Kushimo-      cation through your commitment to the Takashiro.
         to and Furriken.  The rumble get closer and louder               For this sacrifice, I give you this:
         and Kensai Takata remains stoic.  Shortly, the cloud   GM NOTE: Rewards
         of dust stops.  It washes passed the group engulfing      -Experience Points= TBD
         both the Kushihara and Takashiro members.  As it          -Points of Renown= TBD
         begins to settle.
                                                                   -Ki Energy= TBD
                      HYOSUKE KUSIMOTO                             -Hantasu= 725
          And now, Master Takata, I offer you a final oppor-       -Shyubi No Haidate
                      tunity to surrender quietly.
                                                                            WGT  AR  LiE
                         KENSAI TAKATA
                                                                              .5    16   105
         Master Kushimoto, I think it is you who needs to re-
                        consider his position.                  Power: +1 to Defensive Points when equipped.

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