P. 72

How to Play Takashiro NPCs                                Because his kindness precedes him, Bo Kiyojima
                                                                attempts to discuss solutions, and convince challeng-
         Kensai Takata
                                                                ers to explore other ways to resolve confrontations.
            Kensai Takata is the leader of the Takashiro Sam-   However, for those that do not find a peaceful resolu-
         urai Clan.  As a character he is a calculated leader.    tion Bo Kiyojima has developed a personal, devastat-
         Daily Kensai Takata is under the pressures of being a   ing attack that he uses to prove his prowess and supe-
         Samurai, leading a clan and leaving a historically     riority to would be challengers and foes.  His
         worthy legacy for his underlings to follow.  His       “Crushing Blow” Technique is often Bo Kiyojima’s
         greatest wish is that those who follow the Seven       first attacks, however, his gentleness rarely allows
         Paths of Enlightenment do so justly.                   him to direct this attack at a living body.  Instead, Bo
            As a combatant, Kesnai Takata relies heavily on     Kiyojima will use this attack to damage or even
         his ability to manipulate Ki Energy as he feels it is   break a weapon that is being used against him.   This
         the flow of energy that gives the warrior an ad-       attack combined with Bo Kiyojima’s imposing size
         vantage in battle.  Once Master Takata  learned the    usually incites a bit of fear in his opponents leaving
         famed “Seishin No Ken”, he  is quick to utilize its    them vulnerable to more attacks.
         strength.  When not using his strongest Mystic Art,    TsUno Moto
         Kensai Takata favors his ability to wield a physical
         sword before using any of his other Mystic Arts.          Master Moto is the most conflicted of the Ta-
                                                                kashiro Samurai.  Often giving off a harsh and uncar-
         Kiyo Manata                                            ing energy, the Master could quite possibly be the

            Is the second in command of the Takashiro Sam-      elder who is most interested in the wellbeing of his
         urai army.   Though a master of several fighting tech-  younger Samurai.  Living a conflicted lifestyle of ser-
         niques, and being known as a warrior who has seen      vitude and desires, Tsuno Moto has found a way to
         more than his fair share of battle, Kiyo Manata prides   sympathize with Takashiro students who mistakenly
         himself on his decision making and ability to put      stray off the path of righteousness.
         those under his command in the right places to suc-       As a Samurai warrior Tsuno Moto is a fighter
         ceed.                                                  who enjoys combat.  Knowing the power he possess-

            As a warrior Kiyo Manata favors the effective-      es, Tsuno will often use basic techniques to toy with
         ness of his blade prowess. In battle.  Kiyo Manata     his opponents to discover how superior he is over
         only uses his Mystic Arts in times of necessity, sav-  them, or to see what kind of determination they have
         ing most of his energy to allow him to be more meas-   in a fruitless physical confrontation.  Tsuno Moto
         ured in his attacks.   Kiyo Manata favors the Renzo-   will use more powerful techniques or Mystic Arts
         kuken #3 attack to begin his physical confrontations   when he himself is in danger or the situation involv-
         allowing for his final attack to be the Mystic Art:    ing his students requires such a show of force.
         “Blow Away” technique.

         Bo Kiyojima

            Bo Kiyojima is the wisest of the elders in the Ta-
         kashiro Samurai Clan, and may be the most intelli-
         gent person in all of Japan.  Modeling himself after
         Buddha  in both mannerisms and appearance, this
         walking hulk of a Samurai is often considered a gen-
         tle giant.  Though good natured and kind , Bo Kiyoji-
         ma is easily a mislabeled man.

                                                                                                 The Takashiro Samurai

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