Page 13 - Reopening Kitebrook - Information to Parents
P. 13
● Reduce the number of children in the classroom to enable
social distancing (no more than 15).
● Remove excess furniture to increase space if space to do so.
● Children keep to their desks when in the room.
● Social distancing instructions created for and with the children
– Include instructions how to line up, use of toilet, moving
around the classroom etc.
● Children isolated if cannot adhere to behaviour policy and
spoken to reference the need for social distancing.
● Lessons planned for individual work (not pairings or group
● Feedback – using a large whiteboard and visualizer and
interactive whiteboard not close interaction.
Resulting in
Lack of social ● Mark out an area for the teacher – 2m distancing at front of the Leadership
distancing in the Staff & direct H room. Team & Leadership
classroom Students transmission ● Children use the same desk each day. Staff Team
of the virus
● Teachers are assigned to classes and stay with these children
throughout the day as much as possible. A minimal amount of
teacher turnover will be accommodated.
● Children stay in their designated classroom for the majority of
the day unless using outdoor areas for learning and not mix
with other groups.
● Bags, coats and lunch boxes kept in an area that minimises
cross contamination.
● Where possible, classrooms and indoor spaces will be well
ventilated by opening windows and doors where safe to do so.
● Doors will be propped open, where safe to do so (bearing in
mind fire safety and safeguarding), to limit use of door handles
and aid ventilation.
● The school has extensive areas for play enabling year groups
Lack of social Resulting in to maintain distance. Break times do not need to be staggered.
distancing during Staff & direct H ● Reduced playtime equipment – hard surfaces and can be Leadership Leadership
Team &
playtimes and Students transmission easily cleaned. Team
lunchtimes of the virus ● Games played discussed with children to encourage social Staff
distancing – football passing, catch etc.