Page 17 - Reopening Kitebrook - Information to Parents
P. 17

●  Extra soap ordered to ensure we do not run out.

 ●  Children asked to bring in their own stationery (or have packs
 of stationery labelled with their name on).
 ●  Tubs of resources for individuals if needed – maths cubes etc.
 ●  Resources washed with antibacterial agents each night and
 left to dry if not the same person using them the next day.
 ●  Tables, door handles and other surfaces cleaned with
 antibacterial agents every night.
 Resulting in
 Contact of shared   Staff &   indirect   H   ●  Lessons planned so resources are individual and not shared –   Leadership   Leadership
 or on white board.
                                                        Team &
 resources    Students   transmission   ●  Resources on tables ready for lesson and not distributed within   Staff   Team
 of the virus
 the lesson.
 ●  Children are encouraged to wash hands / use hand gel before
 lessons and after each lesson.
 ●  Resources that children and young people touch, such as toys,
 books, desks, chairs, doors, sinks, toilets, light switches,
 bannisters, will be cleaned more regularly than normal; after
 breaktime, after the lunch break and after School.

 ●  Government guidance states “Wearing face coverings or face
 Risk of spreading   masks is not recommended”.
 virus due to close   Staff &   Resulting in   ●  Masks purchased if needed for first aid staff– N95 grade and   Leadership   Headmistress
 contact with   Students   transmission   H   instructions form PHE re cleaning – so issued to individuals   Team &   & Deputy
 children – 1:1 and   of the virus   who are classified as vulnerable.   Staff   Heads
 restraint    ●  Extra disposable aprons ordered.
 ●  Extra gloves ordered.
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