Page 19 - Reopening Kitebrook - Information to Parents
P. 19

●  Children to have a class teacher in the first instance.
 ●  Small numbers of children to support their emotional needs.
 ●  Reduced time in school to ensure transition is successful from
 home to school.
 Resulting in   ●  Caution relevant to distancing provision will be taken into
 Emotional distress   Students   stress and low   M/H   consideration when comforting a distressed child.    Leadership   Leadership
                                                        Team &
 of the children    mental   ●  Distance Learning curriculum to be delivered to support   Staff   Team
 wellbeing   children’s well-being – slowly increasing the cognitive load.
 ●  Children may be encouraged by their parents to wear some
 form of PPE to school - this is perfectly acceptable. Likewise,
 some teachers may choose to do this too (despite government
 guidelines) - this too is acceptable.

 ●  SLT to monitor overall staff workload through regular contact;
 individual meetings and staff meetings.
 ●  SLT acknowledges that staff may have anxiety about returning
 to the workplace given the current situation. Support will be
 offered if required.
 ●  Individual staff workload will be assessed and managed
 through timetabling and the creation of a staff rota, so that staff
 who are having to stay at home due to health conditions are
 able to support remote education, while others focus on
 Resulting in   face-to-face provision.
 Emotional distress                                                 Headmistress
 of the staff –   Staff   stress and low   M/H   ●  The timetable will be reviewed if necessary.   Leadership   & Deputy
 including anxiety   mental   ●  Government guidance​ goes into detail in respect of both   Team   Heads
 wellbeing   clinically vulnerable children and clinically vulnerable staff, as
 well as staff and pupils who live with a clinically vulnerable
 person. These guidelines will be shared with staff and parents.
 ●  Creative Education course compulsory for all staff returning to
 ●  Staff meetings to be conducted virtually – to discuss concerns
 and shared control measures.
 ●  Intranet sites to be used to share support helplines.
 ●  At least one SLT member of staff on site everyday for staff to
 share concerns with.
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