Page 23 - Reopening Kitebrook - Information to Parents
P. 23
● All staff and pupils will be reminded to wash their hands with
soap and water for at least 20 seconds - posters in hand
washing areas, staff to remind younger children to sing a song
lasting 20 seconds.
● All staff and children will be asked to clean their hands before
and after eating, and after sneezing or coughing. Pupils wash
their hands with soap after break times and before lunchtimes.
● Additional alcohol-based sanitiser (that contains no less than
60 percent alcohol) is provided for use. Hand gel dispenser in
all classrooms.
● Reminders how to wash hands properly – videos and posters.
All staff and children will be encouraged not to touch their
mouth, eyes and nose using posters and in clear messages
from staff during registration, encouraging young children to
learn and practise these habits through games, songs and
● Infection control procedures are adhered to as much as
possible in accordance with the DfE and PHE’s guidance.
● Sufficient amounts of soap (or hand sanitiser where
applicable), clean water, paper towels and waste disposal bins
are supplied in all toilet areas.
● Liquid soap dispensers are used.
● Respiratory hygiene is encouraged, tissues are provided in all
rooms and disposed of in bins, emptied daily.
● Promote ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach.
● Pupils do not share cutlery, cups or food.
● All utensils are thoroughly cleaned before and after use.
● Cleaners carry out daily, thorough cleaning.
● All rooms to have bottles of spray disinfectant so that staff can
disinfect surfaces (doors and tables mainly) regularly
throughout the day.
● The Head arranges enhanced cleaning to be undertaken
where required.
● Normal personal hygiene encouraged and washing of clothes
following a day in an educational or childcare setting -
communications to staff and parents.