Page 27 - Reopening Kitebrook - Information to Parents
P. 27

●  Those living with those that are clinically vulnerable can attend
 school and work with children or adults adhering to this and
 other reopening risk assessments.

 ●  Maintenance employees will conduct a full review of regulatory
 checks that may have been missed due to partial closure. For
 ○  Water system flushed in accordance with the school’s
 Health and Safety Policy including water temperature
 ○  Ensuring quality of the water
 ○  Testing the fire alarms/smoke alarms/panic and
 Lack of
 maintenance   Staff   accessible-toilet alarms
 checks due to   Pupils   Health and   L   ○  Checking fire-door mechanisms   Leadership   Headmistress
                                                                      & Deputy
 Checking Gas supply
 school being   Parents                                  Team
 partially closed   Visitors   implications   ○  Checking Kitchen equipment   Heads
     ○  Wiring tests
 ○  Inspection for rodent activity and/or infestations
 ○  Fire drills will take place at the start of term and each
 time a new year group returns
 ●  Maintenance employees will review the arrangements for
 routine maintenance of the premises to ensure it can be
 carried out whilst following government guidelines. Risk will be
 minimised by limiting maintenance to regulatory requirements
 and emergencies only.

 ●  A survey will be sent to relevant staff to ascertain who is able
 to return to work.
 Lack of Staff to be   ●  SLT will then make an assessment of the availability of staff for
 able to implement
 cleaning protocols,   Pupils   Resulting in   all activities during the school day, including lunchtime and   Leadership   Leadership
 break supervision, cleaning, administrative support, and to
 teaching ratios or   M                                 Team &
 implement social   Parents   transmission   provide support for pupils with special or additional needs.   Staff   Team
 of the virus
 Taking into account; staff who have underlying medical
 distancing   conditions (as defined in government guidance), staff who are
 subject to shielding or are in a household where someone is
 shielding, staff who are self-isolating, Staff on maternity or any
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