Page 32 - Reopening Kitebrook - Information to Parents
P. 32
● The amount of shared resources that are taken home will be
minimised and the exchange of take-home resources between
children, young people and staff will be limited. Reading books
will not go home.
● Classrooms will be used if it is not possible to be outside, in
this instance it will be used at half capacity. Adequate cleaning
between groups will be implemented.
● The capacity of the staff room will be reviewed and its use
staggered. Signage will be in place to instruct staff. The kettle
and coffee machine will not be used.
● Any Assembly or whole-school activity will be staggered to
ensure social distancing can be maintained.
● Distance Learning Platform to be continued in addition to in
school lessons to cater for those who cannot, or choose not to
return to school.
● Outdoor equipment will not be used unless appropriate
cleaning protocols can be implemented. Those that cannot be
cleaned appropriately will be removed or will be out of bounds.
● Staff will ensure that any materials that are shared will be
cleaned frequently.
● Pupils will be allocated a desk and will use the same desk if
attending on consecutive days.
● Boarding will remain closed.
● Staff will be responsible for implementing, as far as possible,
government guidelines on social distancing.
● The School’s Pupil Behaviour Policy will be reviewed to ensure
Standard of that it covers COVID-19-related incidents.
behaviour falling Pupils Health and L ● Make provision for the school to be able to sanction, up to and Leadership Leadership
Team &
due to children not including exclusion, pupils who wilfully refuse to adhere to Team
attending school Parents implications arrangements of social distancing and deliberately cough or Staff
spit at pupils or staff, putting them at risk.
Coming into contact Staff ● Staff are informed of the symptoms of possible coronavirus Leadership
with someone with Pupils Resulting in H infection, e.g. a cough, difficulty in breathing and high Team & Leadership
Covid-19 Parents temperature. Staff