Page 31 - Reopening Kitebrook - Information to Parents
P. 31
● Pupils will remain in the same small group at all times each
day, and different groups will not mix during the day, or on
subsequent days. Year 6 will reside in A1 and A2 (6.1 and
6.2), Year 1 will be taught in the Yr 1 & 2 area, and PS and R
will occupy the Cottage. Key Worker children will be housed in
the IT room. The same teacher(s) and other staff will be
assigned to each group and, as far as possible, these will stay
the same during the day and on subsequent days.
● Each Cottage class will be supervised by staff who will cover
each other’s breaks. Staff breaks will be staggered.
● Distance Learning Schemes of Work and lesson planning will
be followed - being mindful of staff workload, teachers will be
given the time and resources needed to make any necessary
● Where possible lessons and activities will take place outdoors.
● Break times (including lunch) will be staggered, so that all
children are not moving around the school at the same time.
● Packed lunches will be eaten in designated classrooms or
outside - supervised by the member of staff teaching that
● Drop off and Collection times, locations and protocols will be
planned and communicated to Parents via SHu.
● Parents will be told that they must only use the Drop Off Zone
and cannot gather at entrance gates or doors, or enter the site
(unless they have a pre-arranged appointment, which should
be conducted safely).
● Parents will be told that if, in the event of an exceptional
circumstance, their child needs to be accompanied to School,
only one parent should attend.
● Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) will be made
available to Staff for intimate care purposes and in the case of
someone falling ill at school, up-to-date government guidelines
are found here.
● The number of children who are using the toilet facilities will be
limited to ensure they do not become crowded and to help
children keep a suitable distance apart.