Page 34 - Reopening Kitebrook - Information to Parents
P. 34
Visitors transmission ● Any pupil who displays signs of being unwell is immediately
of the virus referred to the First Aid staff on duty.
● Staff ensure that any unwell pupils are moved to the Medical
Room whilst they wait for a parent to collect them. Parents are
informed as soon as possible.
● Pupils displaying symptoms of coronavirus do not come into
contact with other pupils and as few staff as possible, whilst
still ensuring the pupil is safe.
● Areas used by unwell pupils who need to go home are
thoroughly cleaned once vacated.
● Inform children, young people, parents, carers or any visitors,
such as suppliers, to follow government guidelines not to enter
the site/send their child to school if they are displaying any
symptoms of coronavirus.
● Staff, as key workers, who present Covid symptoms, will be
eligible for CV testing via the government.
● Regular updates will be provided regarding ‘How many
confirmed cases in your area’ daily and flag any spike in
statistics to the Headmistress, and will be shared with Staff.
● The School will have a clear plan ready to implement should
Resulting in (in there be an unacceptable surge in rate of infection.
Staff ● The School will follow current government guidance if Headmistress
Rise in Infection Pupils direct relation someone becomes unwell. Leadership & Deputy
rates transmission to the Team
Parents ● Parents, Staff and Children will be told to follow government Heads
of the virus R guidance if they have come into contact with someone who
has Covid-19.
● An Isolation area and toilet facilities, with PPE equipment in
situ, will be identified and be made available in case someone
falls ill.
Resulting in ● All pupils’ emergency contact details are up-to-date including
Emergency during Headmistress
the School Day Staff direct alternative emergency contact details. Leadership & Deputy
Pupils transmission ● Pupils’ parents are contacted as soon as practicable in the Team Heads
of the virus event of an emergency.