Page 38 - Reopening Kitebrook - Information to Parents
P. 38
● Does the school have to open?
○ No, if we choose to remain closed we may take that decision if we do not feel it is practically and
logistically safe for our staff and children. Nor does it have to be June 1st if we feel our children will
benefit from not doing so. It is the expectation of the government that children will return to school
in the selected year groups.
● Can we deviate from the guidance on reopening?
○ The guidance is considered but independent schools may have additional measures they wish to
● Why are you only opening certain year groups?
○ Kitebrook is following government guidelines as to which year groups go back and when.
● Do I have to send my child back to school?
○ There is a relaxation of the law at this time, and as such you are not obligated to send your child
back to school. However, for logistical reasons, we ask that you decide to either send your child in
for the duration of the second half of term or not. Parents are asked to inform us of their decision
via the online questionnaire.
○ This an evolving situation, we do not wish for children to opt in and out for Health and Safety
reasons. However, at 2 week intervals of the school reopening, you feel it is the right time to send
your child back to school, we will welcome them back at that stage, providing there have not been
any unforeseen changes.
● How will distance learning work if children remain at home?
○ The distance learning will run as it currently is with staff members providing recorded inputs on
Google Classrooms and where relevant, streaming live lessons.
● School Drop Off
○ All children will be dropped off at school using the drop off zone. Staff will be on hand to assist the
younger children to leave their cars, if required. As this will be a busy time, children are encouraged
to have their school bags accessible to them, not in the boot, wherever possible.
Children should not exit their vehicle until they have entered the drop off zone or a member of staff
has prompted them to.