Page 20 - Reopening Kitebrook - Information to Parents
P. 20

●  Risk assessments reviewed after day one, week one and
                                                                          fortnightly after that – this is flexible.
                                                                       ●  Non-teaching staff will follow this RA or the Lone Worker RA.
                                                                       ●  Designated “staff areas” areas for different groups of staff –
                                                                          rota for same area if needed.
                                                                       ●  Planned time for planning and preparation within the week
                                                                          especially for those with children in school.
                                                                       ●  Extremely vulnerable staff (Shielding) work from home.
                                                                       ●  Vulnerable staff – suggest to strict social distancing – working
                                                                          at home or in school with strict 2 metre distancing measures in
                                                                       ●  Children may be encouraged by their parents to wear some
                                                                          form of PPE to school - this is perfectly acceptable. Likewise,
                                                                          some teachers may choose to do this too (despite government
                                                                          guidelines) - this too is acceptable.

                                                                       ●  All staff, pupils and visitors coming into the School building will
                                                                          be asked to clean their hands on arrival and before they leave.
                                                                       ●  Children hand wash or hand gel on entry to school, before
                                                                          break, after break, before lunch, after lunch, leaving school,
                                                                          using the toilet and any time they cough or sneeze.
                                                                       ●  All staff, children and visitors will be reminded to use a tissue
                                                                          or elbow to cough or sneeze and use bins for tissue waste
                                                                          (‘catch it, bin it, kill it’). Tissues and bins will be available in
                                          Resulting in                    every classroom and at entrances and exits.
         Risk of spreading     Staff &      indirect                   ●  Wearing a face covering or face mask in schools is not           Leadership     Leadership
          virus due to poor   Students    transmission      H             recommended in Gov.UK Guidance.                                   Team &          Team
              hygiene                                                                                                                         Staff
                                           of the virus                ●  PPE is available for staff supervising a pupil showing
                                                                          coronavirus symptoms. A mask is worn if a distance of 2
                                                                          metres cannot be maintained. If contact is required,gloves,
                                                                          apron and face mask are worn.
                                                                       ●  Posters are displayed throughout the school reminding pupils
                                                                          to wash their hands regularly.
                                                                       ●  Pupils must wash their hands on entry to the school; after each
                                                                          lesson (sanitiser); after break times and before leaving the
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