Page 14 - Reopening Kitebrook - Information to Parents
P. 14

●  Staff supervision throughout – actively encouraging and
                                                                          insisting on social distancing.
                                                                       ●  Children practise talking 2 metres apart – modelled by staff.
                                                                       ●  Wet breaks - keep children in their groups or, if bringing
                                                                          together, sit socially distanced to watch a movie, or use the
                                                                          tennis courts on rotation.

                                                                       ●  Children eat packed lunch outdoors if possible or in an
                                                                          allocated lunch classroom.
                                          Resulting in                 ●  Children asked to bring packed lunch, and any snacks, in the
           Lack of social      Staff &       direct                       first instance – packed lunches are not shared and must not      Leadership     Leadership
          distancing when     Students    transmission      H             include nuts.                                                     Team &          Team
            eating lunch                                                                                                                      Staff
                                           of the virus                ●  Parents informed of food allowed in school.
                                                                       ●  Meals brought to their classroom – when we have meals
                                                                          cooked on site.

                                                                       ●  Children stay in their classroom and access outside from the
                                                                          nearest door where possible.
                                                                       ●  One child going to the toilet at one time.
                                                                       ●  Staff use designated desks in empty classrooms to maximise
                                          Resulting in                    the distance between each other.
           Lack of social                                                                                                                  Leadership
                               Staff &
          distancing in the   Students    transmission      H          ●  Consider a one way system around the school using walkway         Team &        Leadership
                                                                          and outside – safety concerns.
              corridors                                                                                                                       Staff
                                           of the virus                ●  Agree instructions with children concerning going and returning
                                                                          to the toilet.
                                                                       ●  When moving class around the school – 2 metres between
                                                                          children – one adult at the back insisting the distance is
                                                                          maintained – regular practice for this in the first few days.

                                                                       ●  Toilets used and only one child allowed to go to the toilet at a
                                          Resulting in                    time – middle sinks closed for handwashing.
           Lack of social
          distancing using     Staff &     direct and       H          ●  Allocated toilets for different groups of children.              Leadership     Leadership
                                                                                                                                            Team &
                                                                          Hand gel used after toilet use as well as washing hands.
          toilets and poor    Students    transmission                 ●  Extra signs in the toilets regarding washing hands and              Staff         Team
                                           of the virus                   reminders from class teachers.
                                                                       ●  Wedges for the toilet external toilet doors if not fire doors.
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