Page 5 - Acute Pancreatitis (Viêm tụy cấp)
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896     PART VII   Pancreas

         for infectious complications. Patients who are older and have   continues and (b) disruption of the paracellular barrier of aci-
         comorbid illnesses have a substantially higher mortality rate than   nar cells and intralobular pancreatic duct (PD) cells. This bar-
         younger healthier patients. In those who survive their illness,   rier disruption facilitates the extravasation of pancreatic enzymes
         severe pancreatic necrosis can result in chronic pancreatitis, with   from acinar cells and from the duct lumen into interstitial spaces.
         all of its complications (see Chapter 59).           This phenomenon may explain the rapid development of inter-
                                                              stitial edema and the increase in the concentration of pancreatic
         PATHOGENESIS AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY                     enzymes in the serum. 30
                                                                 As discussed in Chapter 57, genetic mutations associated with
         Most of the published data on the pathogenesis of AP comes   hereditary pancreatitis also lend support to the hypothesis that
         from  work  in  animal  models.  Although  gallstones  and  alcohol   intrapancreatic activation of pancreatic zymogens is central to
         may contribute to 60% of more of AP in humans, there is no   the pathogenesis of AP. 30-32  The mutant trypsins in patients with
         animal model of for these 2 predisposing causes. Cerulein and   hereditary pancreatitis (usually a R122H or a N29I mutation)
         taurocholate used to induce pancreatitis in animal models does   cause trypsin to be resistant to degradation or causes premature
         not cause human pancreatitis. Despite these limitations, the ana-  trypsinogen activation (gain-of-function mutation), leading to
         tomic  and  biochemical  abnormalities  in  AP  in  animal  models   autodigestion of the pancreas and episodes of AP. Mutations
         are similar to humans. Once the process of AP is initiated, the   in the CFTR gene have also been implicated in pancreatitis (see
         subsequent progression of events resulting in local and systemic   Chapter 57). The CFTR anion channel allows for chloride and
         complications are similar regardless of the inciting event. This is   bicarbonate secretion into the PDs and thus allows flushing of
         important because if any drug therapy becomes available to treat   the liberated enzymes and proenzymes into the duodenum (see
         this disease, it should be administered very early on and be able to   Chapter 56). There are more than 1200 mutations that have
         block the progression of events at that early stage.  been described for the CFTR gene. Some of these are consid-
            The initial step in the pathogenesis of AP is conversion of   ered severe and some mild. Homozygous severe mutations
         trypsinogen to trypsin within acinar cells in sufficient quantities   produce a viscid, concentrated, acidic pancreatic juice, leading
         to overwhelm normal mechanisms to remove active trypsin (see   to ductal obstruction and pancreatic insufficiency in childhood.
         Fig. 57.3). Trypsin, in turn, catalyzes conversion of proenzymes,   Heterozygotes  carrying  minor or major  mutations  may  have
         including trypsinogen and inactive precursors of elastase, phos-  acute recurrent or chronic pancreatitis by altering acinar or duc-
         pholipase A 2  (PLA 2 ), and carboxypeptidase, to active enzymes   tal  cell function  (e.g., alteration  of  bicarbonate conductance).
         (see Chapter 56). Trypsin also may activate the complement and   More recently, CFTR mutations associated with pancreas divi-
         kinin systems. Active enzymes autodigest the pancreas and initi-  sum have suggested a synergistic effect in the pathogenesis of
         ate a vicious cycle of releasing more active enzymes. Normally,   AP. Although most patients with pancreas divisum (7% to 10%
         small amounts of trypsinogen are spontaneously activated within   of the general population; see Chapter 55) never develop pan-
         the pancreas, but protective intrapancreatic mechanisms quickly   creatic disease, it may be that those persons who also harbor a
         remove the trypsin. Pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (now   dysfunction of the CFTR transporter are at risk of developing
         called SPINK1) binds and inactivates about 20% of the trypsin   pancreatitis when both are present.  A third genetic abnormality
         activity. Other mechanisms for removing trypsin involve meso-  associated with pancreatitis is a mutation of the SPINK1 gene.
         trypsin, enzyme Y, and trypsin itself, which splits and inactivates   As already noted, SPINK1 protects the pancreatic acinar cell by
         other  trypsin  molecules.  The pancreas  also  contains  nonspe-  inhibiting prematurely activated trypsin. Mutations of this gene
         cific antiproteases such as α 1 -antitrypsin and α 2 -macroglobulin.   presumably limit the activity of this protein, but the exact mecha-
         Additional protective mechanisms are the sequestration of pan-  nism is unclear.
         creatic enzymes within intracellular compartments of the acinar   The pathogenesis of gallstone-related pancreatitis is
         cell during synthesis and transport and the separation of diges-  unknown (see Chapter 65). Factors that may initiate gallstone
         tive enzymes  from  lysosomal hydrolases  as  they pass  through   pancreatitis include reflux of bile into the PD 35,36  or obstruction
         the Golgi apparatus, which is important because cathepsin B can   of the PD at the ampulla from stone(s) or from edema result-
         activate trypsin from trypsinogen. Low intra-acinar cell calcium   ing from the passage of a stone.  Reflux of bile into the PD
         concentrations also prevent further autoactivation of trypsin.  could occur when the distal bile and PDs form a common chan-
            In experimental pancreatitis, activation of trypsin occurs   nel and a gallstone becomes impacted in the duodenal papilla.
         within 10 minutes, and large amounts of trypsin  and increased   Alternatively, bile could reflux into the PD from the duodenum
         concentrations of trypsinogen activation peptide (TAP) accumu-  through an incompetent sphincter of Oddi injured by recent
         late within the pancreas. 23,24  TAP is produced when trypsinogen   passage of a gallstone.
         is activated to trypsin, and concentrations of TAP in plasma,   Experimentally, reflux of bile into the PD, particularly if the
         urine, and ascites correlate with the severity of the pancreatic   bile is infected or mixed with pancreatic enzymes, causes pan-
         inflammatory response, with the highest levels associated with   creatic injury. Mixtures of bile and pancreatic enzymes increase
         acinar cell necrosis and intrapancreatic hemorrhage. 25,26  the permeability of the main PD, which is associated with local
            Co-localization of pancreatic enzymes in lysosomes, followed   parenchymal inflammation.  The common channel theory is
         by acinar cell injury, is an attractive hypothesis for the pathogen-  somewhat problematic because PD pressure is invariably higher
         esis of AP, but the relevance of such co-localization to the patho-  than bile duct pressure, making bile reflux into the PD unlikely.
         genesis of AP is unclear. Activation of trypsinogen occurs before   Reflux of bile from the duodenum also is unlikely because pan-
         biochemical or morphologic injury to acinar cells, in association   creatitis does not occur in conditions with easily demonstrable
         with co-localization of lysosomal enzymes, such as cathepsin B,   reflux, such as after surgical sphincteroplasty or endoscopic
         and digestive enzymes, including trypsinogen within unstable   sphincterotomy.
         vacuoles. 26,27  Complete inhibition of pancreatic cathepsin B   A popular theory for the mechanism of gallstone pancreatitis
         activity in vitro prevents trypsinogen activation induced by the   is that an impacted gallstone in the distal bile duct obstructs the
         CCK analog cerulein,  supporting the co-localization hypoth-  PD, increasing pancreatic pressure, thereby damaging ductal and
         esis. Thus, complete inhibition of cathepsin B may prevent or   acinar cells. Experiments in the opossum supporting this theory
         become a treatment for AP. However, enzyme co-localization   are the observations that ligation of the PD causes severe necro-
         may occur without inducing significant acinar cell injury. 29  tizing pancreatitis,  and that decompression of the ductal sys-
            Two other features of experimental AP are (a) early blockade   tem within 3 days prevents progression to acinar cell necrosis and
         of the secretion of pancreatic enzymes while enzyme synthesis   severe inflammation. 37
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