Page 11 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 11

Strength ……..This is the word that springs first to my mind . His strengths were

           in numerous but I am not referring to them but the strength he gave me to live my own  life. This he
           did not do via any sermonising but simply by living the life he did and being the best  role model
           one could ever have.

           I do not claim to even have even  a quarter of his character and resolve but whenever I have been
           in the crossroad of my life and had to face what then appeared as unsurmountable obstacles it is
           that strength that helped me move on. Even today if I need to make any important decision in my
           life I pause to think – “ what would he have done?” . If I can tick that box I know in my heart that I
           have been true to my values and beliefs.

           I do not miss you Appa as you live ,  both in me and in  amma and will continue to guide us and
           love us until we meet again,. My only wish is that every life I have hereafter you both continue to
           come back as my parents.

                                                                                      Malini Venkat, Daughter

              Honesty ………One word that comes to mind when you think of K,N.Venkataraman-
              Honest. There are not many people who have this virtue

              Venkatji and my father used to go to the Indian consulate regularly to read the newspapers.
              For this they took public transport. My father had prematurely greyed completely and looked
              65 years old though in reality he was not . The drivers of the bus automatically gave both of
              them a concession ticket but Venkatji always corrected them and insisted on them charging
              my dad the full amount.  This was a source of great annoyance to my father but we all had a
              good laugh when he related the incident  to us as it was so typical of Venkatji.

              That is how honest a man he was. I have all the respect for him & his honesty

                                                                         Uma Sekhar, Daughter’s sister-in-law
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