Page 12 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 12

Guru…… He provided advice and solace when I was most vulnerable.

            My mum and I spent a summer with him and Bhuvaji in Kottivakkam in 1987 after my Dad’s
            sudden death and he took on a guru figure for me. I was very vulnerable as a 20 year old
            and felt as If my life had come crashing down.  We would go on long walks on the beach
            talking about spirituality, resilience, inner strength , coping strategies, being kind, self
            reliance, fate, moving on and those talks guided me through my darkest days.

            He was very convincing!!!!! I cherish that summer as I returned from Chennai a different
            person and was ready to conquer my education. When I started work, I was posted in
            Chennai and got married and Pradeep and I would visit them  and loved their company. We
            often talked about that summer- as it was a life changer for me....

                                                                       Gita Menon, Daughter’s sister-in-law

             Funny…….Because my earliest memories of him are of silly jokes that I still remember !
             Like The check Q joke !

             He was such a responsible, dependable, protective person and took care of amma and us with
             such sincerity that one would expect him to be this serious, strict type.. but he wasn't that ....
             not all the time. Instead he was silly ( e.g he distorted the words to gun guna rahe hain
             bhanware to include killi killi instead of kalli kalli and chased Anu and me around the garden,
             pretending to pinch.

             When he did such things he looked like a  giggling 10 year old. Its something I try to remember
             in my work with teachers and children.. allow them to see your silly side... you can be a
             committed, hardworking, responsible person and still be funny and light hearted!  no need  to
             keep up appearances of seriousness!

                                                                       Priyadarshini Rajagopalan, Niece
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