Page 13 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 13
Genuine soul………. One of the sweetest, warmest, and most
genuine souls that I have had the blessing of journeying with on this earth.
He had the unique knack of expressing his thoughts and opinions in a respectful and
non-aggressive manner ...and in his own humble way. There were no pretences nor any
pomp/glory about him...he was the epitome of WYSIWUG ... and I will forever remember
him as my favourite uncle whose sweet smile is etched in the fondest of my memories.
Wherever you are... I love you dearly, Venkataramama!!
Deepa Venkat Ram, Niece
sImplIcIty and Honesty ……Athimber was a very simple person
who always helped people. A simple independent person who used to wear jubba pyjama most of
the time. I have seem him from my childhood as a truly good person with a kind heart, who spoke
nothing but the truth and stood by it.
I always see him as a mentor and try to be at least half as good as him. I certainly do feel the
void created when he left us, but somewhere inside us he's always immortal and guides us through
tough times with his wisdom.
Dhileep Prabhakar, Nephew