Page 7 - I reading 일부
P. 7
08 Which of the sentences below best expresses 11 The word “ these ” in the passage refers to 14 Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the
the essential information in the highlighted summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage.
(A) animals
sentence in the passage? Incorrect answer Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the
(B) sound waves
choices change the meaning in important passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.
(C) vibrations
ways or leave out essential information.
(D) objects
Drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong. To remove an answer choice,
(A) Certain snakes can sense their prey roughly
click on it. To review the passage, click View Text.
a meter away and use their facial organs to
determine its location and attack it. Several animal species have developed unique forms of communication.
12 All of the following are mentioned in
(B) Some snakes are able to sense the prey’s ●
paragraph 5 as types of information
location, regardless of the distance, with ●
acquired by echolocation EXCEPT
their facial pit organs. ●
(C) Determining the location of their prey is an (A) amount of heat emitted by an object
easy job for some snakes even with prey (B) location of an object Answer Choices
up to one meter away from them. (C) shape and size of an object
(A) Different species of animals use different (D) Methods of animal communication is vital for
(D) The use of the snake’s facial pit organs (D) internal components of an object
methods of communication. their survival.
is essential in determining the location of
Paragraph 5 is marked with an arrow [ ]. (B) The primary purpose of animal communication (E) Animals’ means of communication is
prey and catching it.
is attack and defense. determined by their environment.
(C) One application of animal communication is (F) The use of communication among animals is
09 According to paragraph 4, how do elephants detecting prey’s location. continually evolving.
13 Look at the four squares [▒] that indicate
use seismic communication to locate other
where the following sentence could be
added to the passage.
(A) By detecting seismic vibrations transmitted
For example, some African elephants are
through the water
able to sense underground vibrations
(B) By following rainfall patterns in their
generated by thunder during distant
(C) By emitting loud rumbling cries audible to
other elephants
Where would the sentence best fit?
(D) By reading rumbling sounds sent through
the ground Click on a square [▒] to add the sentence to
the passage.
Paragraph 4 is marked with an arrow [ ].
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
10 Why does the author mention “ an area of
rainfall ” in the passage?
(A) To illustrate different methods of detecting
the source of rain
(B) To show how elephants use seismic
vibrations from the environment for survival
(C) To emphasize the importance of rain in the
elephant’s survival
(D) To explain the reason why the elephants
inhabit near the water source
16 Diagnostic Test 17