Page 12 - Pure Magazine Issue 2
P. 12
6. Start, Middle and Call to Action You could also do this in front of a mirror or
even by recording yourself on your phone. Get
Just like any strong narrative, your feedback, see what lands well, change what
presentation should have a definitive start (tip: doesn’t and you’ll feel much more confident
even if you don’t memorise anything else, when it’s time for the real thing.
know your opening line - a strong start will set
you off on the right track!). You should
consider signposting (saying what you’re
going to cover), think about the middle – your
juiciest content - and create an end which
should include a wrap-up of the key points. In
marketing we use something known as a ‘call
to action’: What do you want people to do?
This might be ‘sign up to get regular emails
with weekly tips’ or ‘my next event will give
you all of the insider info on how to crush the
negative voice in your head and go after your
dreams – you can find out more here’.
Josie Shepherd is a life and career coach. She
Whatever you end on, frame it from the point
works with women in their 30s who want to
of view of the listener, and what the benefits
redefine what success means for them,
are to them – this gives them a reason to pay
whether that’s through career change, taking
attention and engage with you afterwards.
a sabbatical to travel the world or making the
leap to launch a small business. Using her
7. Practise Makes Perfect
unique experience – an award-winning career
in marketing and communications and years
Marketers will often road test an idea or
of experience ‘side hustling’ as a performing
product with a focus group, to get feedback
orchestral musician, she has all the tools to
and so that they can refine it before it is
help you rewrite your next chapter so that you
launched. You can follow the same principle
can live a life that makes you want to jump
when presenting, either by having a run-
out of bed every morning. To find out more
through beforehand to a friend or family
about her coaching packages, connect with
member (this may feel cringey, but there are
her on Instagram @josieshepherdcoaching.
huge confidence-boosting benefits of
knowing on the day that you've already done
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