Page 14 - Pure Magazine Issue 2
P. 14
Creating a website is one of the most exciting By demonstrating your understanding of their
parts of starting a coaching business. It’s nice problems, and how you’ve solved them for
to get the chance to be creative, choosing a other clients goes a long way to helping
nice font and colour scheme, writing your someone decide to go all in and book you.
slogan, developing your personal brand.
Your website needs to be poised and ready to
However, if you want your website to bring in seize that moment.
clients for you (and why wouldn’t you?), the
two most important ingredients your website
must have are:
1: Visitors
2: A painless way to convert visitors into clients
This is what makes the difference between a
website and a client generating website. And
if your website is not bringing you coaching
clients, then what’s it for?
What's The Objective?
Many people write a presentation and then
only when it’s done think ‘what do I want to
say?’ Thinking like a marketer, the objective
should always come first: What do you want
to achieve afterwards? How will I know if it’s
been a success? For you to achieve a brilliant
result from your presentation, you must first
know what that looks like.
Getting visitors to your website is only one half
of the equation. Without the second half –
conversion – the effort spent in getting traffic
to your site is wasted.
When the moment strikes
The conversion process is a journey which
starts the moment someone lands on your
These days it’s not enough to put “Here’s my
site. You have a very limited amount of time
phone number, give me a call”. Clients want
to capture their attention, gain their trust and
to be booked in then and there. Which could
keep them on the road to that destination
be anytime of the day or night.
called ‘coaching client’. Firstly, within a just a
few seconds, a visitor has to understand
With coaching clients this is especially
precisely what you’re offering and why/how it
important. It may have taken them months to
will benefit them. If they don’t, they’ll leave.
pluck up the courage to work with a coach. If
there’s no quick and easy way to get an
Gaining trust is another part of the conversion
appointment confirmed with you, it will only
process. Coaching clients are especially
take a nano-second to talk themselves out of
trepidatious – after all, they’re not buying a
it. “Ah well, it was a stupid idea anyway…” And
toaster from you, this is their life you’re dealing
that’s that, they’re gone.
with. They don’t know you. They will be
sharing intimate thoughts with you, a
complete stranger and with no guarantee
that it’s going to work.
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