Page 19 - Pure Coaching Magazine - Issue 1
P. 19

How often do you stop and think that you are
                                                                  Do something different to inspire yourself and
           an animal?  Daily, once in a while or maybe
                                                                  kick start your imagination that has been lying
           never?  In the scheme of things and the
                                                                  dormant since childhood.  Do a doodle even if
           hundreds of thousands of years that have
                                                                  you feel you can’t draw, sing if it makes you
           gone by in the past, modern man is a fairly
                                                                  happy or have a dance in your kitchen to a
           recent descendant from our monkey
                                                                  favorite tune.  How about a family ritual of
           ancestors.  And, it is only over the last hundred
                                                                  regular games nights with no TV or devices or,
           years that we have changed the way our
                                                                  a story telling night with older family
           brains work compared to those of our
                                                                  members to pass precious tales down the
           ancestors.  We have lost much of our survival
           instinct and place within our tribe and
           replaced it with the conveniences of our
                                                                  We must not lose sight of what we are, were,
           current age.  
                                                                  and of what we have become.  We must make
                                                                  the most of every opportunity to talk and
           In a time of lawsuits and legal claims our
                                                                  conjure up new ideas with our imaginations,
           children have a far less free childhood than
                                                                  and therefore make the very best of ourselves
           that of our parents generation or those before
                                                                  each and every day.
           them.  Instead they are brought up in safe
           environments, yet, to replace their physical
           safely we put their mental safety in jeopardy
           by providing them with devices which give
           them access to the World Wide Web of
           information, people and ideas.  In turn our
           lives are pretty much computer controlled,
           from a visit to the doctor and its
           documentation to the social media we receive
           daily on our portable devices.  How did our
           ancestors cope with problems they were
           wrestling with in their minds? They largely had
           better communities and watched over each
           other, offering protection and sitting on long
           dark nights talking, singing, dancing and
           playing games.  We have lost this art of
           communication, talking at dinner, visiting our
           neighbours for a cup of tea or saying a
           casual ‘Hello’ to someone on the street.  

           Finding someone you can trust and confide in
           is not always easy, families can be flippant or
                                                                  With a wealth of experience of the world,
           dismissive of your genuine inner concerns,
                                                                  Nicola Warner has a creative mind fuelled by a
           and, when not addressed these concerns can
                                                                  lively imagination and sharp intuition.  She is
           grow and spread through your mind and
                                                                  able to work with a varied client base to
           body and, at times, they become obsessions.
                                                                  enable people to Go Their Own Way in the life
           The desire to communicate and share is a
                                                                  they wish to lead.  
           wonderful trait of humans and is something
           which should be kept alive and cherished in  
           the busy lives we lead.  Find time to talk, share
           and create.  

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