Page 24 - Pure Coaching Magazine - Issue 1
P. 24

It's An Inside Job

                                              By Suzanne Hala

           Your thoughts don't create reality, your             We all have innate wisdom and inner
           thoughts create your perception of reality.          knowing. Have you heard the term 'gut
           Let me give you an example, a group of               feeling'? We were born with an inner
           people can be at the same event,                     navigational system that kicks into place
           experience the same entertainment and                the moment we look beyond our habitual
           nibble on the same canapes, but not one              mind chatter and observe the power of
           person will have the same experience as              thought for ourselves. Our ability to think
           another.                                             is a gift, it’s how we interpret the world,
                                                                but with a deep understanding that
           Our thoughts are the paintbrush of our               thought creates our feelings allows us
           lives, giving us a moment-to-moment                  more easily to discard the ones that cause
           personalised  version of reality. A deep             anxiety or distress. With a clear mind, the
           understanding of how our thoughts                    correct course of action in any life
           create our separate realities has a                  circumstance is intuitive and graceful.
           profound effect on people. We are living
           in a self-created dream. When you                    Coaching from an inside-out is about
           understand that you are not responsible              reminding you that already have and are
           for your experience, but have some                   everything you need, it's just a matter of
           understanding that your interpretation               waking up to it. Your new paradigm of life
           creates your experience, a level of clarity          will apply across the board, from
           and innate wisdom tends to arise, which              relationships, to health, to your work.
           is yours to keep. 
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