Page 20 - Pure Coaching Magazine - Issue 1
P. 20

Network Provence

                                            By Rebecca Ronane

         It’s a wild world out there and to pitch your        March 2018 three years on I held what now
         unique tent amongst the millions is not an           has become a monthly networking meeting
         easy task, my new life coaching skills were          in various Provencal locations, this time in an
         frustratingly lying dormant in January 2015, in      awesome setting in beautiful Eygalières .
         Provence  and I was limited by not only being        Generously hosted by Nicky Ginsberg an artist
         a new kid on the block albeit fifty plus, but by     mentor who  decided to set up her Creative
         language. Time to network, except                    Art residency here, do take a look at her
         networking is a rather anglo saxon occupation        website                                           .    We are truly
         and well networking in English here in               blessed with her presence here in Provence.
         Provence... just wasn’t available the way I
         wanted!                                              I’d  been to a couple of networking events
                                                              hosted by Carole Ann Rice and her
         Ruby McGuire who was one of my treasured             inspirational style is the format I follow. A one
         teachers at Pure Academy, suggested I start          minute pitch by all, then a presentation
         my own group. Ignorance is bliss and diving in       followed by time to connect. The anticipation
         at the deep end is exactly what I did.  Imagine      that forty women, followed by an interview
         my surprise when the  first meeting was              with three artists maybe to much, vanished
         attended by over twenty women and one                into the worry space, as we each became
         man, a lesson learned on many levels, that           uplifted by each other’s story and mission. 
         firstly there was a need and secondly we are
         now a women only group.
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