Page 25 - Pure Coaching Magazine - Issue 1
P. 25


           If you find yourself in a low state of mind,
                                                                 The inside-out method of coaching is not
           it is nothing more than a signal not to act,
                                                                 about adding more to-do’s, thinking or
           think, resolve, plan or fix. This is because
                                                                 self-analysis, it’s coaching by subtraction.
           your perception of life from that state is
           unreliable (have you ever said something
           you regret when you were tired or angry?)
           Step back in the same way that when you
           accidentally put your hand on a hot stove,
           the pain is a signal to move your hand

           When low - Do nothing; no techniques, no
           practices, no rituals. Allow the self-
           correction mechanism of the
           psychological system to bring you back
           up. Think of a snow globe, it settles when
                                                                 Suzanne has 14 years work experience in
           simply left alone. Underneath any
                                                                 marketing, beginning her career in retail
           turbulence is peace of mind, positive
                                                                 marketing as a Brand Manager. She has
           thinking is not a necessary practice.
                                                                 worked in Qatar, Dubai and Abu Dhabi as
                                                                 well as the UK. The last 8 years she has
           Reflect on your own innate wisdom.
                                                                 specialised in the third sector.
           When in your life have you 'known' yet
           wouldn't be able to say how or why, you
                                                                 She studied for her degree in Marketing
           just knew exactly the right thing to do.
                                                                 at Hull University and more recently
                                                                 attained her postgraduate diploma in
           Notice the inside-out nature of life. How is
                                                                 Management, and MBA, with a focus on
           it that your partner/job/body looks like a
                                                                 spirituality in the corporate environment.
           disaster one day, yet stunning the next?
           When externally nothing much has
                                                                 Her interests are in psychological
           changed, other than your mood.
                                                                 wellbeing, health and fitness. Suzanne is a
                                                                 trained life coach with Pure Coaching
           Feeling or performing better is not a
                                                                 Academy. She coaches on a one-to-one
           matter of self-development or
                                                                 basis, and hosts  workshops to explore
           improvement. The flow state (being
                                                                 innate psychological wellbeing.
           present) is now widely recognised as a
           state of optimum performance. 
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