Page 326 - 2023 PPIAC RMIC BOOK
P. 326
Double Tap
As it applies to the real world
What we see when competitive shooters participate in force-on-force training in
a stress induced state is:
• Their first shot hits the target and the shot second misses. We measure this
by using different colored ammunition for the 1st and subsequent shots.
• Firing two or more shots on a person before they can process it as a non-
For example:
Processing the Non-Threat
As this officer moves toward a known active shooter, non-threats run around the corner (escaping danger) startling the officer. On the
officers first run the runners normally end up getting shot approximately 75% of the time.
It looks easy in the photo, however this still photo depicts a fraction of a second.
As these training events become imprinted in the officers long term memory over time and through repetition, i.e. the OODA Loop, the
shots on non-threats fall to zero.