Page 10 - 2023-2024 UCSD Med-Peds Recruitment e-Brochure
P. 10

Longitudinal Scholarly Project:

               As a RACE Track member, you will create a medical education project of your choosing.  This is
               an opportunity to use the skills you have learned and apply them in a creative way to teach a
               topic that you are passionate about to a chosen audience (e.g. faculty, residents or medical
               students).  You will also be assigned a dedicated faculty clinician educator to help guide and
               mentor you through the project.
               Some example projects from previous years:

                   ❖  UCSD Friday School Diversity Curriculum
                   ❖  Evidence-Based Podcast on Integrative Medicine
                   ❖  Illness Script Online Database
                   ❖  Using Medical Illustrations in Teaching
                   ❖  Standardization Course for Note-writing for beginning MS3s

               This pathway is led by Dr. Sean Kenmore, an Academic Hospitalist at our VA Medical Center,
               former Chief Medicine Resident, and graduate of the UCSD Internal Medicine program.
               Supporting him in this leadership role is academic Med-Peds hospitalist Dr. Connie Chace
               (Med/Peds faculty, former Pediatric Chief Resident and graduate of UCSD Med/Peds
               Residency program).  Dr. Supraja Thorta, the founder of this RACE Track pathway in 2017 and
               UCSD Academic Hospitalist, continues to be a faculty advisor to the pathway.
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