Page 9 - 2023-2024 UCSD Med-Peds Recruitment e-Brochure
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The RACE Track is focused on supporting those interested in pursuing careers in
               academic medicine and medical education.

               You may apply for the pathway during your intern year or second year and if accepted,
               join our RACE Track which includes a dedicated curriculum that spans for two years!

               Didactics Workshops:

                                                                             We hold five workshop sessions
                                                                             throughout the year, mostly during
                                                                             protected time away from clinical
                                                                             duties.  These sessions cover
                                                                             important and relevant medical
                                                                             education topics, led by expert
                                                                             UCSD Medical Education faculty.

               Examples of Didactic Workshops

                   ❖  How to give a 5-minute chalk-talk
                   ❖  Game-ification of Teaching
                   ❖  Curriculum development
                   ❖  Giving effective feedback
                   ❖  Teaching in small groups
                   ❖  Crafting a teaching portforlio
                   ❖  Building your academic brand

               Annual 2-Week Elective for all RACE members:

               Our Senior RACERs (in their second year of the track) and Junior RACERS (in their first year) EACH get
               a two-week elective block in which they get to practice their teaching and mentorship skills hands-on, with
               co-residents, medical students and each other.  With the exception of a half-day for continuity clinic, this
               elective is ENTIRELY dedicated to activities focused on training distinct skills vital to a medical educator.
               Besides high yield didactics, you will practice your teaching skills by preparing and teaching problem-
               based learning session with medical students, precept first-year medical students at the UCSD Student
               Run Free Clinic, or giving Intern Report as examples.
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