Page 79 - Women’s Yellow Pages (FlipBook)
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                                                                 Website -
                                                                 Mission Statement
                                                                 To promote awareness, education, service and research for those
                                                                 affected by lupus.
             The Campaign for Women’s Health is a coalition of    Lupus is a chronic, inflammatory disease that can affect any and/or
             organizations and individuals calling for an end to ideological   all parts of the body. In this autoimmune disease, the healthy tissues
                                                                 are attacked by an immune system that has gone awry. Also known
             politics trumping common-sense policy solutions in   as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, there is currently no know cause
             Pennsylvania.                                       or cure for it. BUT there is treatment.
                                 Lupus may occur in males or females at any age, but young women
                                                                 between the ages of 15 and 45 are most likely to develop it. Afri-
             THE CENTER FOR HEARING & DEAF SERVICES              can American, Hispanic, Asian and Native American women have
                                                                 the greatest incidence. Between 1.4 to 2 million people have been
             HDS Westmoreland           Center for Hearing & Deaf    diagnosed with lupus the United States. Lupus can be difficult to
             1011 Old Salem Road        Services, Inc.           diagnose because the symptoms can come and go and often mimic
             Suite 102                  1945 Fifth Avenue        other illnesses.
             Greensburg, PA 15601-1034  Pittsburgh, PA 15219-5543  Symptoms include:
             Phone: (724) 832-7601      Phone: (412) 281-1375    • Chronic achy and/or swollen joints
             (voice/tty)                 (voice/tty)             • Unexplained low grade fevers
             Fax: (724) 832-7602        Fax: (412) 281-6564      • Prolonged or extreme fatigue
                                                                 • Skin rashes
                   CENTER FOR ORGAN RECOVERY                      • Anemia (low red or white blood count or platelet count)
                                                                 • Kidney problems
                             & EDUCATION                         • Chest pain on deep breathing (pleurisy)
                                                                 • Sensitivity to the sun
             The Center for Organ Recovery & Education (CORE) is one of 58
             federally designated not-for-profit organ procurement organiza-  • Hair loss
             tions (OPO) in the United States.                   • Mouth or nose ulcers
             In addition to supporting families during the grieving process and   • Sensitivity of fingers or toes to the cold
             talking with them about the opportunity to donate, the agency also   Although lupus can range from mild to life threatening, the majority of
             notifies the organ transplant team and coordinates the surgical   case can be controlled with proper treatments
             recovery of organs, tissue and eyes. CORE also is responsible
             for facilitating the computerized matching of donated organs and
             placement corneas.
                                                                     OVARIAN CANCER RISK FACTORS
             Each of the 155 hospitals in CORE’s designated region serves
             as a referral site for potential donors. Five of those hospitals also   Risk Factors   • Early detection increases
             perform life-saving organ transplants.               • Genetic predisposition   survival rate of early stage
                                                                  • Personal or family history of   disease.
             CORE offers a variety of educational programs tailored to meet   breast, ovarian or colon cancer   • A Pap Smear DOES NOT
             the needs of the general public, corporations and healthcare pro-  • Increasing age   detect ovarian cancer
             fessionals. For additional information or to schedule a program,   • Undesired fertility
             call CORE at 800-DONORS-7.
             If you are not already a donor and wish to do so, please visit www.  Facts     National Ovarian
    to sign up. It only takes a few moments and   • All women are at risk.  Cancer Coalition
             could mean so much to someone waiting.               • Symptoms do exist and
                                                                  can be extremely vague yet   1-888-OVARIAN
                 INFLAMMATORY BREAST CANCER                       increase
             Inflammatory Breast Cancer is a unique and uncommon type of   over time.
             breast cancer. It does not produce a distinct mass or lump that can
             be felt within the breast. The lack of a lump or mass also makes
             inflammatory breast cancer difficult to detect by mammograms.
             Symptoms may include:
             • One breast larger than the other                      SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF A HEART
             • Red or pink skin                                                      ATTACK
             • Swelling
             • Rash (entire breast or small patches)             As a woman you may experience the classic chest pains associated
                                                                 with heart attacks in men. It is more likely you will have less obvious
             • Orange-like texture (peau d’ orange)              warnings. Seek help fast—call 9-1-1—with more than one of these
             • Skin hot to the touch                             symptoms:
             • Pain and/or itchiness
             • Ridges or thickened areas of breast               • Shortness of breath
             • Nipple discharge                                  • Pain in the abdomen, back, jaw or throat
             • Nipples that appear inverted or flattened         • A general sensation of uneasiness-just feeling sick
             • Swollen lymph nodes under the armpit              • Unexplained anxiety
             • Swollen lymph nodes of the neck (sometimes)       • Palpitations, cold sweat or paleness
             If one or more symptoms continue for more than a week talk to a   • Chest discomfort, lasting more than a few minutes or recurring
             physician with experience with this particular type of breast cancer.  • Chest discomfort, with light headedness
                                                                 • Fainting, sweating, nausea or shortness of breath
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