Page 83 - Women’s Yellow Pages (FlipBook)
P. 83

On The Cover

                                                                    Ever since she was a little girl,

                                                                    SHARISE NANCE has been fascinated
                                                                    by what makes people tick. The human mind
              JESSIE  B.  RAMEY,  PH.D., is the                     is an endlessly deep well, governing our be-
              Founding Director of the Women’s Institute at         havior and emotions in ways few people get
              Chatham University and Associate Professor of         a chance to fully grasp. Sharise always knew
              Women’s and Gender Studies. She is a historian        that she wanted to be a part of that process
              of gender, race, working families, and U.S. so-       and help people in some way, but it wasn’t
              cial policy. Her book, Child Care in Black and        until her first year as an undergraduate at In-
              White: Working Parents and the History of Or-         diana Univer-sity that she realized she could
              phanages (University of Illinois Press,  2012),       be on the front lines of the helping profession.
              won the Lerner-Scott Prize in women’s history         Therapy and social work became the means by
              from the Organization of American Historians,         which she could help others unearth buried as-
              the  Herbert  G. Gutman  Prize  from the  Labor       pects of their personali-ties and environments
              and  Working-Class  History Association,  and         and move forward equipped to handle the chal-
              the John Heinz Award from the National Acad-          lenges of life in a more pos-itive way. Sharise
              emy of Social Insurance. She received a New           is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Speaker,
              Faculty Fellowship from the American Coun-            Award  Winning and Best-Selling  Author. In
              cil of Learned Societies (ACLS), and the Iris         addition to running HandInHand Counseling
              Marion Young Award for Political Engagement           Services, her private practice.
              from the University of Pittsburgh in recognition
              of her work on public education policy.               Sharise now dedicates her efforts to Vitamin C
                                                                    Healing, an organization designed to promote
              Dr. Ramey was named one of the top “people            self-care and work-life balance among those
              to know” by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette; one          throughout the helping profession and beyond.
              of “5 People Making Pittsburgh a More Liv-            With considerable experience speaking at key-
              able City for All,” by NEXT Pitts-burgh; and          notes, workshops, and seminars for young pro-
              was invited twice to President Obama’s White          fessionals, caregivers, entrepreneurs, women,
              House to discuss education policy. She is Chair       parents, and  adolescents across  the country,
              of Pittsburgh’s new Gender Equity Commis-             she strives to equip individuals with the tools
              sion, and she serves on the Mayor’s Task Force        to live happy, fulfilled lives and careers. With
              on Women in Public Art. She earned a BA with          all she’s learned in nearly two decades work-
              honors in Social History from Carnegie Mellon         ing with a diverse population of people from
              University, an MA in  Women’s History from            all walks of life, Sharise is eager to share all
              Sarah Lawrence College, and an MA and Ph.D.           that she’s  learned. Sharise resides in Pitts-
              in History from Carnegie Mellon University.           burgh, Pennsylvania with her husband

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