Page 86 - Women’s Yellow Pages (FlipBook)
P. 86

Therese Rocco is known to her col-
                          leagues  as  The Rock.  This diminu-
                          tive woman, at the age of nineteen,
                          began her career in law enforcement
                          as a clerk in a small, all-female miss-
                          ing persons unit of the Pittsburgh Po-    Winner of The Author's Zone TAZ Award for
                          lice Department. Her  career ended        "Best Children's Book of 2017", this bilingual
                          nearly fifty years later, as an honored   (English/Spanish)  picture  book, based on ac-
                          and acclaimed Assistant Police Chief      tual events, explores the many reasons a mother
                          the first woman in the Pittsburgh Po-     may cry and it also looks at realities that many
                          lice Department to reach such a high-     families face when moving, and reasons that
                          ranking position. The award winning       prompt families to make life-changing moves
                          Therese  Rocco:  Pittsburgh’s  First      in their lives, whether to a new town or to a new
                          Female Assistant Police Chief             country. It can be both scary and an adventure,
                          Available on Amazon
                                                                    a good book for all ages.
                                                                    Este libro ilustrado bilingüe se basa en una his-
                          THE WRITING FORMULA BE                    toria verdadera y explora a los hechos que ocur-
                          YOUR OWN BOSS                             ren en muchas familias  que tienen  que hacer
                          by Nikki Flowers
                          Writing Formula 101 “Be Your Own          mudanzas  que cambian  la vida.  También  de-
                                                                    staca las varias emociones diferentes que todos
                          Boss” was designed as a tool to help
                          the writer find balance to finish the     tenemos. Un buen libro para todas edades.
                          manuscript they’ve been working on
                          for years…
                          Award Winning The Writing Formula
                          101 “Be Your Own Boss” is the push
                          your incarcerated  loved one needs
                          to believe  in themselves  to change
                          their life through writing. Writing has
                          changed many lives.                       If you want to start a business--or you're a little
                          Available on Amazon                       unsure of the path with your new brand--then,
                                                                    The award winning  From  Start-Up to  Suc-
                          Emily Rodavich considers herself an       cess: Navigating the Journey  to Becoming
                          ordinary person whose unexpected          (and  Staying)  a  Successful  Entrepreneur is
                          and astonishing experiences caused        just what you need to cut through the confu-
                          her to feel "different" from her family   sion and get on the road to happy, successful
                          and friends. When she was in elemen-      business ownership.
                          tary school, her gently cultivated faith   Award winning author, Melanie Colusci guides
                          in God enabled her to survive abuse       you through the initial  steps of starting your
                          and trauma without lasting anger, bit-    business, talking to you like your best friend
                          terness, or blame. The award winning      would.
                          Mystical Interludes: An Ordinary Per-     Available through Amazon or to get it as an im-
                          son’s Extraordinary Experiences is        mediate download go to the From Start-Up to
                          Available on Amazon                       Success website: www.fromstartuptosuccess.

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