Page 88 - Women’s Yellow Pages (FlipBook)
P. 88

Womens Organizations

                               Join NOW at
                         WOMEN’S PRESIDENT’S ORGANIZATION
                                                                  The WPO is a non-profit membership organization for women presi-
                                   And Together We Can Make       dents of multimillion-dollar companies. Members of the WPO take
                                     Equality a Reality           part in professionally-facilitated  peer  advisory groups in order to
                                     NOW is the largest, most     bring the “genius ou to fhte group” and accelerate the growth of their
                                     comprehensive feminist       businesses.
                                     advocacy group in the
                                     United States. Our purpose
                                     is to take action to bring
                                     women into full participation
                                     in society - sharing equal
               rights, responsibilities and opportunities with men while
               living free from discrimination.
                          1100 H Street NW, 3rd floor
                           Washington, D.C. 20005
                       Phone: (202) 628-8669 (628-8NOW)          Pennsylvania Center for W omen and Politics         .
                             Fax: (202) 785-8576                 Chatham University
                             TTY: (202) 331-9002
                             Email:                  Woodland Road
                                                                 Braun Hall
                                                                 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
              Amnesty International - Greater Pittsburgh Area    Phone: (412) 365-1878
              Our Mission                                        Fax: (412) 365-1515
              AI’s mission is to undertake research and action focused on
              preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical   “To increase women’s influence and leadership in
              and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression,    public life in Pennsylvania and improve the quality of
              and freedom from discrimination, within its context of its work to   women’s lives by providing them with educational and
              promote all human rights.General Inquiries:
                                                                 training opportunities in politics and public policy.
               Women for Women
               International supports women in war-torn regions
               with financial and emotional aid, job-skills training,   Our Clubhouse
               rights education and small business assistance so   provides free cancer support for those diagnosed,
               they can rebuild their lives.                      their family and friends, and the children and teens
                                   that are also affected.
               Check out this site and find ways to assist women   Those living with cancer at any age, as well as the fam-
               world wide.                                        ily and friends who care for them, are welcome to join
                                                                  Our Clubhouse and receive the social, emotional and
                                                                  informational tools they need.
                                                                   Our innovative programs are an essential complement
                                                                  to medical care, providing support groups, workshops,
                                                                  education and social activities for all those diagnosed
                 Gratitude makes sense of our                     with cancer and the people who support them.
             past, brings peace for today, and                    If you’re looking for others who truly understand look no
                                                                  further than the members of Our Clubhouse.
             creates a vision for tomorrow.                       We are all in this together, providing unwavering sup-
             Live your life from your heart.                      port and a community of comfort, care and hope to all
             Share from your heart. And your                      those touched by cancer.
             story will touch and heal people's
             souls.                                               To become a member call us at (412)338-1919 or visit
                                                                  our website,,  to register for a
             Each moment in time we have it                       New Member Orientation.
             all, even when we think we don't.

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