Page 82 - Women’s Yellow Pages (FlipBook)
P. 82

On The Cover

                                                                        TIFFANY HUFF-STROTHERS
                                                                        is an Award Winning Author, Sought After
                                                                        Speaker,  Mentor for Women and Evange-
                                                                        list passionate about helping women bounce
               SAFAA BOKHARI  is the director  of
              Sanad,  a  volunteer organization that aims to            back from their worst setbacks to be used
                                                                        by God for great comebacks.
              integrate Saudis into American society.  Sanad            As the Founder of The Tiffany Huff Expe-
              works to highlight the good works and spirit of           rience, she provides personal development
              cooperation of Saudis in America by support-              and coaching services to women, business-
              ing  the needs  of  each community they serve,            es and organizations. She is The Founder &
              regardless of religion, race or class.                    Director of When She Thrives, an organiza-

                                                                        tion purposed to break generational cycles
              She was a critical partner in Hello Hijab, an ini-        of single motherhood by creating opportu-
              tiative of For Good Pgh which has received na-            nities for ALL women to grow their faith,
              tional and international attention.  Hello Hijab          develop  as leaders and become  change
              works to diversify kids playtime and promote              agents in their homes and communities.
              in-clusion and tolerance  through exposure by             She was recognized as a Passion Meets the
              manufacturing doll-sized hijabs.                          Road awardee for her work in the com-
                                                                        munity  with  Coffee  &  Clarity, When  She
                                                                        Thrives’ signature program.
              She has a Masters of Food and Nutrition from
              King Abdulaziz University and has done exten-             In 2017, she published two books, 30 Day
              sive nutritional advocacy and food justice work.          Stay:  A Story of Escaping Death, Heal-
              Safaa’s work has been featured on CNN, Pitts-             ing From Heartbreak & Finding Hope in
              burgh Magazine, The Today Show, Huffington                Homelessness, and  EmpowerMoments for
              Post and more. Safaa is married and has two               The Everyday  Woman:  A 31 Day Devo-
              young children and resides in Pittsburgh, PA.
                                                                        tional to Empower Your Womanhood, and
                                                                        she will release Scenes From A Single Mom,
                                                                        Volume 1 in the spring of 2018.
                                                                        Tiffany is married and has two preteen sons.
                                                                        In her spare time you can catch her curled
              “When  women support  each                                up with a good book, or in her kitchen try-

              other, incredible things happen.”                         ing new recipes.

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